Chemical Engineer Licensure Examination Results The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) announces that 310 out of 566 passed the Chemical Engineer Licensure Examination given by the Board of Chemical Engineering in Manila and Cebu this November 2006. Nov. 19 Editor's Mailbag Albany Democrat-Herald Why worry how we vote? What difference does it make to you (Viewpoint, Nov. 12) how the people of Oregon have chosen their method of voting ? What difference does it make to you how the people of other states choose their method of voting? Filipino UN peacekeeper hurt by Haitians identified The Department of Foreign Affairs on Monday identified the injured Filipino peacekeeper who was attacked on November 18 by a group of student demonstrators opposed to the continued presence of United Nations peacekeepers in Haiti. Hotlinks Tiscali GOZ BEIDA, CHAD - A Chadian village woman washes her children as she takes shelter with her child under trees after an attack on their village forced them to flee to a site for internally displaced Chadians November 20, 2006 at Goz Beida village, Chad. Eastern Chad has a recent history of extreme violence, in addition to the Janjaweed attacks, the area is threatened by rebel groups fighting Orteza, Encabo share SBC bowling honors Sun Star PLUTIE Banlasan, Emie Orteza and Fred Encabo shared top honors in the Sunday Bowlers Club (SBC) Bowler of the Week Championship at the Fairlanes Bowling Center Sunday night. Filipino UN peacekeeper hurt by Haitians identified The Manila Times THE Department of Foreign Affairs on Monday identified the injured Filipino peacekeeper who was attacked on November 18 by a group of student demonstrators opposed to the continued presence of United Nations peacekee pers in Haiti. Filipino peacekeeper hurt in Haiti violence identified POLICE Inspector Godofredo Ergo was the Filipino peacekeeper hurt in the November 18 attack by student demonstrators opposed to the continued presence of the United Nations in Haiti, according to the Philippine Mission to the UN. SC gives CA more time to study Webb’s appeal The Daily Tribune The Supreme Court has given the Court of Appeals (CA) more time to study the appeal of Hubert Webb and his co-accused in the Vizconde massacre case. AP poll shows support for Iraq policy remains low USA Today Americans' approval of President Bush's handling of Iraq has dropped to the lowest level ever, the Associated Press writes. The latest Associated Press-Ipsos poll found 31% approval for Bush's handling of Iraq. The previous low in AP-Ipsos polling was 33% One fortunate feline Durango Herald The myth of nine lives for felines now has witnesses: Phil Lauro and his daughter, MaryBeth. The Durangoans were following a line of traffic at 55 mph Friday on U.S. Highway 160 near Coal Creek Canyon when they noticed something hanging from the under-carriage of the car in front of them.
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Alila Sero marittimo tra Napoli le Isole di Capri ed Ischia, fornisce orari, tariffe ed informazioni. Achille La Wikipedia Quinto dei sei figli dell'armatore Gioacchino e di Laura Cafiero, fu a sua volta armatore e fondatore della Flotta La, una delle più potenti flotte Salvatore La
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