United States House of Representatives, 108th... The United States House of Representatives, 108th Congress, 1st Session: Information on the United States House of Representa...
The Tapestried Chamber--By Sir Walter Scott Tale of supernatural terror told to Scott: General Browne, returning from Cornwallis's surrender at Yorktown, visited castle of old friend & was roused from slumber by fiendish spirit.
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Columbia Journalism Review Home The image has always had power in American politics, but this time around, image may finally trump substance unless we ...
Scott, Sir Walter. 1917. Guy Mannering, or the Astrologer. Vol. IV. Ha... Scott, Sir Walter. 1917. Guy Mannering, or the Astrologer. Vol. IV. Harvard Classics Shelf of Fiction
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Carlyle, Thomas. 1909–14. Sir Walter Scott. Vol. 25, Part 5. The ... Carlyle, Thomas. 1909–14. Sir Walter Scott. Vol. 25, Part 5. The Harvard Classics