Lights’ whirls blurring your eyes,

unequal orchestra of confusing sounds

overlapping, deafening you till your soul…  


You feel yourself foreign between foreigners.

You arrived to make me citizen of the world,

to give me the sensation of having been always there.


I was waiting for you…..You joined me.

And the lights …and the noises…vanished in a background music.

Your smile was music……your voice was music…

your eyes were the lights of the city …now vanished.


Your lips were the taste of  fruit of a dinner

flown amongst eager gazes…  had amongst touched on caresses.

A kiss stolen in a street without a name.

And again sounds and lights and noises of a discotheque without walls,

the sky above us……and your voice and your kisses to fill

the tragic quick pass of the time……Stop you! Stop you Time!!!  


Stop your hours…..your minutes…..your seconds…..leave me the moment!

The moment of a love experienced…..dreamed …desired…

relished…..caressed….touched on…..flown…..

Flown like that iron wing that vibrates…that takes off ,

lashed by the wind…..and takes me away.  


And the lights are going away and the dark of the night is there….

And your face is there….and your eyes are there… to rip open

as a flash of lightning the black of the oblivion…..I don’t want it…

because ….I love you…..
