ABSTRACT                                   -> Italian Site

The Thesys is an study, made by the collaboration among ENEA (National Agency for New technology, Energy and Environment) University "La Sapienza" of Rome and IBS society of Trieste. It is focused on Structural Analysis and Verification of a Periferical STENT, according to UNI EN ISO 14630, UNI EN ISO 12006-3. I respected the detailed list, by I.S.S (National Health Istitute) about the stent's cyclic behaviour in vessels and by ASME III about alloy components.

To analyse this medical instrument, I made a structural Finite Element Model. It is created using the commercial code, Ansys 57. Durring eight mounth at ENEA in Bologna, we analysed the stent by every point of view (engineering, medical, commercial..) and demonstrated his structural endurance of fatigue.