ABSTRACT                                               -> Italian Site

Comparison between biological and traditional wine production by LCA method

Emidio Croce*, Palmira Mazzaracchio**, Paolo Neri***

* Graduating in Business Economy, University of Bologna, Italy
** Ordinary university Professor- Business economy department, University of Bologna, Italy
*** Senior Researcher - ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and the Environment), PROT-INN Department, Bologna: “E.Clementel” Research Center, Italy


This report provides a Life Cycle Assessment-based method for studying and quantifying environmental impacts due to the production and the processing of 0.75l of wine “Rosso Piceno Superiore” produced in Marche region, in Italy. The study allows to individuate the main environmental problems related to the wine production practices.

This study also includes a sensitivity analysis, consisting in estimating the proceeding of the environmental damage by a comparison between two different ways of production: biological production and traditional production, which are subsequently compared by the economic aspects too.

The study has been realized by the collaboration among ENEA, University of Bologna and some Italian firms, two farms, and some business producing materials and services used by the farms during their production processes.

We used the Dutch software SimaPro 5.0, developed by Pré Consultant, and the methods: Eco-indicator 99 (Dutch), EPS 2000 (Swedish) and EDIP 96 (Danish) to explain their operations. In the comparison we used Eco-indicator 99 in order to obtain an appraisal of the differences between the two methods of production.

Inside the work you can find a detailed explanation of these methods, and the results of the analysis.