
Environmental impact evaluation of traditional and biological production of one olive oil bottle about agricultural machineries, by Life Cycle Assessment’s application

The study, in collaboration between University of Bologna and Enea (National Research Institute of Energy and Environment) of Bologne, concerns the valuation of the environmental impact of the production of one olive oil bottle, and the comparison between the traditional and biological production. The data came from literature.
To accomplish this work wich considered all phase involved to the production of olive oil more particularly attention was focused on the traditional production.
The study followes the methodology of Lyfe Cycle Assessment and uses the software Sima-Pro 5.0; in the study the analysis refers to three methods: Eco-Indicator 99 (opportunely modified, for example, to consider the damage category “Fuction” wich value has a negative sign due to the energetically and protective contribute by the daily use of olive oil sa aliment, as the Mediterranean pyramid shows), EPS 2000 and EDIP 96 to demonstrate the analogies in the results. As fuctional unit it has chosen 1l of olive oil.