Cultura - PrimiPASSI


di Telemaco Pepe (5/7/2003)

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I have been stupid a lot of times, much more than you think...
and I have also many regrets... but I don't care... whoever
says "I have not been stupid... I've always been perfect
and I have no regrets..." is definitely the most stupid, dumbest
and insignificant person you can bump into, for sure....

Music is for the people... a little music is for the dumbest ones...
too much music is for THE GREAT ONES... and... well......
listening to music no-one would ever dare to listen to is for THE

...who cares if I die young (fingers crossed, please... yours
as well, darling...!!) and I don't become famous or world-wide
adored... someone else, in my place, will spread around the world
my poetries, thoughts and tales... and if he or she doesn't...
who cares...?... I will find myself someone up there to tease
with my poetries, thoughts and tales..... and me, of course.......

Life is expressive. Life is expression. Life is a BITCH.
She sells herself to the Evil and after a spit of a second
she comes back to you like a starving woman who madly
needs to be fed .... The benefit is: NEVER trust her....

Life hurts... but you can hurt better than anyone else..!!...

I don't wish you to go to Hell, darling... It might be quite a
comfortable, amusing place..........too an easy, unpainful sorrow...
It's the worst a man or a woman can get... SUCH a terrible
disease...... pure synonym of Evil...... it can bite, hurt and
murder at the same time... BE AWARE OF THIS......
Maybe scientists have just found a new cure for the
cancer... but unfortunately they have not found a remedy
for this dreadful disease, yet... Who knows whether they ever

The secret is in your.... secret arrogance, not in your
so-called "good luck"... keep it stocked inside your
ego, and when someone dares to despise you or simply
offends you, bring it out to the light...... and get him
blinded........ he won't see anymore... he won't judge
anymore... he won't... eventually....!!!...

I have always thought when you die your spirit is split
in two: one half goes to Heaven, and the other half
sits down on a bench in the middle of a weird but
unbelievably fascinating park while peacefully waiting
for a new destination in a new life........
That's cool... isn't it?....

The problem with people is they can scream at you
and say you' re totally crazy--- well... that's the
focus-point..... they have the courage to admit you're
crazy... but they don't have the courage to admit you
may be a PLAIN GENIUS...!!......

To be yourself is the REAL, UNIQUE matter that counts, in life...
It can be seen, as I see it, as a sort of extremely engaging com-
mitment... You might be a genius, a totally out-of-common-range-
person or you might be a totally ordinay human-being... but, mind you,
if you are not yourself, well... you have already started stepping
into your grave.......

People who forget to laugh or simply force themselves to
deny the meaning of laugh (which is, apparently, even worse)
do not deserve to step on this Planet... they'd better "retire"
from life and disappear, because they can murderously affect
and, then, infect sane people, with the evil purpose to convert
them into deeply unhappy and pathetic prototypes with no
aspirations for the future....... whatever happens to you
try to end the day with a sarcastic, deafening, loud laugh
as a warning to the world that you're not dead, and, most of
all, that you're not intended to vanish at all...... this gives you
such a satisfaction that will make you get to stand on your feet....
proudly and majestically........ THAT is supposed to be the only,
real effective medicine against evil people.
...but... am I asking too much?...

The word GENIUS risks to have no meaning in a very
next future: it will be synonym of UNLOGIC..... because
the GENIUS IS unlogic... it's the most unlogical matter
existing on the Planet Earth....
The Logic is for the quiet, normal and modest ones;
Genius is for insane, unlogical and border-line-addicted-people....

Life is a strange, extremely abstract thing, in my very humble
it's always appeared to me as a huge puzzle that, at
the very beginning of our existence get destroyed and
squandered in billions of billions of billions of pieces;
as life goes on, we have the duty of trying to find and
subsequently match all the missing pieces...... it might
be very hard and exhausting at times and it has a lot
of secret doors of which we often do not have the key...
and when you manage to get through one of these doors unwittingly fall asleep.... and the following day,
gosh!!.... you'll have to start all over again...!!!...

My mott is: if you create something great or particularly
ingenious, but before puttin' it hidden in a safe place, it
gets destroyed or lost (whether it is caused by your negligence
or by others' mistakes), there's only ONE definite solution:
DO NOT think at all, start all over again and go ahead as if
you were an over-excited raging bull; there is your mission:
to get better the better, to get better the best you can,
you have no choice: take it or leave it. And... of course,
I always take it!!... and the final result will be nothing more than a
stunning piece of work, only done three times better than the
previous one....!!...

I like quarrelling. I like discussing a lot with people. I like
provoking them and I like getting despised, slated, sometimes
even heavily misunderstood. Noooo... this is NOT sado-masochism...
This is ONLY ME AND MYSELF... By acting like this, you get
power, and then more and more power, until you become unbeatable
....... at this relevant stage, my persona will no longer feel no harm....
It's kinda nice, quite dangerous but nice, after all.....
Would you try yourself, one of these days?...

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