Il (mirabilmente) folle, altamente lisergico Diario di Telemaco


di Telemaco Pepe (10/3/2003)

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....wake up and look outside the window, cracked Sun in the middle of
the grey-darkened sky, how many strangers around me, my room so
crowded, all those blokes staring at my mad face, they see in me a
borderline guy to kill, they soon will let me fade away, I'll be certainly
soon forgotten by all the people I know and love, no more room for me,
no more fun for us, all those pollutioned thoughts
that are driving me insane, don't get them allowed to possess my
golden brain, I know you're trying to convince me you're still watching
ghosts while they're wawing goodbye to you, laughing at your face,
...and in the meanwhile someone perfectly in tune is singin' his very own
desperation, acting like a good-old-fashioned hipster, deadly captured
by an eventful, glory-charged past, kissed for just a while by
the golden rays of a momentary fragment of reason, unique seconds,
for a unique guy who's about to give all he can, before disappearing
into the Enchanted Wood mastered by mad trees falling upon his head,
it's all like a decadent, scattered, highly aenigmatic dream, full of dramas
and gentle insanity, we all are about to fall victims beneath their shadows,
woods with no beginning, woods with no ending, thousands of heads filled
up with "whys" and "hows"....... I try to grab every second of my life to
redeem some old sins but the surface is far and pretty unreachable,
I see faces, I hear voices, I'm listening to music, now, then I fall into
the void, I wake up again and I soon fall asleep, into a dangerous,
murderous sleep, my innocence is dead, he lies down into the grave,
inside a chilling coffin, spoiled, raped, vanished like dust spread by
cold winds and eerie laments of death and infinitive madness.............
joyful screams and air-splitting laughs of children in ecstatic power
are the glimmering light that guides this day to unusual brightness,
while a wonderfully dark, decadent Bowie is being played on the radio
station, singing "his pretty things"... all those things I have forgotten
so far.... all those things I no longer see.... for sure I won't ...............
I still think sometimes of cracking actors and dead stars, I relate
to all of those glamourous names, that's the only clear track I know,
because I'm not able anymore to look after my visions or see a new
life for me, betrayed by my insane dreams of modern unknown soldier
sentenced to a premature death............
....after all, it will be like getting murdered for the nth time............
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