Any problem for the Nokia 7110!
As you can observe from these photos, 7110 also uses the same connector of the series
5110 and 61xx.
Not only....... the planners of the Nokia have maintained I integrate the mechanism of
side hookup used for the serious sopracitates.
This è an advantage for the holders of a Nokia 6150, 6110, 5110 in how much you can
pass at 7110 o'clock without duty to throw the kit vivavoce and the support original Nokia
MBC-1 previously acquired.
Also the new modified support MG-2 can be used!
Many of you have asked you me if there are impediments during the opening of the flowing
" cover ", that protects the keys, when the 7110 è lodged on the support MG-2.
I can reassure you in how much I have effected the mechanical tests personally, enough
however to observe these two photos, front and side to realize of it. You also notice the
aesthetical aspect, decidedly pleasant.
I remember that before lodging 7110 duty to close the flowing cover. When it is found
firmly anchored to the support, after the clic that confirms the hookup, you can press the
button of unblocking to open the flowing cover automatically.
Info: If have lost the manual, (Manual 7110 disk1 and
disk2) or desires to consult it before acquiring the jail cell, withdraw now it!
It notices well: After having unloaded
disk1 and disk2 on your hard disk, " unzippali " both inside an empty briefcase.
You perform the lines: Nokia 7110.pdf 1KB
Lines batch MS-DOS, will find again riassemblato the lines original! (You can
eliminate previously quietly the lines " unzippati ")