Sample of conversion of an ENIGMA *.eni file into a MICROSOFT WORD document

This is a sample of how a small 7 x 7 Crossword, built with the ENIGMA program, can be tranferred into a corresponding document by the ENIGMA CONVERSION joined program.

As shown below the Grid, this program, automatically, has listed and numerated the ACROSS and DOWN items and, accessing the Microsoft Word Thesaurus, it has sometimes succeeded in preparing possible CLUES (Across: 1, 7, 9, 12; Down: 4, 5, 8, 14).

To the purpose the program offers some options: number of synonyms to consider, Y/N antonyms usage. The user can also choose to show an empty or compiled Grid.

The converted output is a standard *.doc file. The user, when he likes, can call it back in Word, correct and complete for missing Clues (ADAM, XA, UL, etc.) the program has simply listed down in different colour.

© Copyright Giorgio Altichieri - 5/2004, 10/2009. All rights reserved.
