'; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += ''; ResultForm += '
'; var QButtonsOpener = ''; var QButtonsCloser = ''; var TableOpener = '
'; TableOpener += ''; var QRow = ''; QRow += ''; var ARow = ''; var MARow = ''; var CheckButton = ''; TableCloser = '


'; QRow += '
'; ARow += ''; ARow += ''; ARow += ''; ARow += '
'; MARow += '[Ans]
'; CheckButton += ''; CheckButton += '
'; function ReduceItems(){ var ItemToDump=0; var j=0; while (I.length > QsToShow){ ItemToDump = Math.floor(I.length*Math.random()); for (j=ItemToDump; j<(I.length-1); j++){ I[j] = I[j+1]; } I.length = I.length-1; } } function Shuffle(InArray){ Temp = new Array(); var Len = InArray.length; var j = Len; for (var i=0; i
'; document.getElementById('FeedbackContent').innerHTML = Output; var FDiv = document.getElementById('FeedbackDiv'); //Calculate and set its left setting topZ++; FDiv.style.zIndex = topZ; //Position the feedback div pg = new PageDim(); FDiv.style.left = Math.floor(pg.W/3) + 'px'; FDiv.style.width = Math.floor(pg.W/3) + 'px'; //Set the top again in case the window has been resized if (is.ns){ FDiv.style.top = Math.floor(pg.H/3) + window.pageYOffset + 'px'; } else{ FDiv.style.top = Math.floor(pg.H/3) + document.body.scrollTop + 'px'; } FDiv.style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById('FeedbackOKButton').focus(); } function HideFeedback(){ document.getElementById('FeedbackOKButton').blur(); document.getElementById('FeedbackContent').innerHTML = ''; document.getElementById('FeedbackDiv').style.display='none'; document.getElementById('NextQButton').focus(); if (Finished == true){ Finish(); } } function WriteToInstructions(Feedback) { Feedback = '' + Feedback + ''; document.getElementById('InstructionsDiv').innerHTML = Feedback; } function WriteScore(Feedback) { Feedback = '' + Feedback + ''; document.getElementById('ScoreDiv').innerHTML = Feedback; } function StartUp(){ //IE bug avoidance -- remove bottom navbar if (is.ie){ if (document.getElementById('BottomNavBar') != null){ document.getElementById('TheBody').removeChild(document.getElementById('BottomNavBar')); } } if (is.ie){ document.attachEvent('onkeydown',SuppressBackspace); window.attachEvent('onkeydown',SuppressBackspace); } else if (is.ns){ window.addEventListener('keypress',SuppressBackspace,false); } //Try to get user name UserName = prompt('Nome Cognome Matricola: ',''); UserName += ''; if ((UserName.substring(0,4) == 'null')||(UserName.length < 1)){ UserName = prompt('Nome Cognome Matricola: ',''); UserName += ''; if ((UserName.substring(0,4) == 'null')||(UserName.length < 1)){ history.back(); } } //Reduce array if required if (QsToShow < I.length){ ReduceItems(); } //Shuffle stuff if required if (ShuffleQs == true){ I = Shuffle(I); } if (ShuffleAs == true){ for (var i=0; i= Status[QNum][1].length-1){ Status[QNum][0] = 1; for (var i=0; i-1){ FirstBit = InString.substring(0, i); LastBit = InString.substring(i + Token.length, InString.length); InString = FirstBit + Replacement + LastBit; i = InString.indexOf(Token); } return InString; } function ChangeQ(ChangeBy){ var NewNum = CurrQNum + ChangeBy; if ((NewNum >= 0)&&(NewNum=0; i--){ //Find any incorrect choices var b = eval('document.QForm.A_' + QNum + '_' + i); if (b != null){ //if it's wrong, count it if (b.checked == true){ Status[QNum][1][i] = 'C'; } else{ Status[QNum][1][i] = 'U'; } if (((b.checked == true) && (b.value == "0"))||((b.checked == false)&&(b.value == "1"))){ TotWrong++; } } } if (TotWrong == 0){ Output = DefaultRight; } else{ Output = DefaultWrong + '
' + (TotAns-TotWrong) + '/' + TotAns; } //If you haven't tried the question before if (Status[QNum][0] == 0){ if (TotWrong > 0){ Status[QNum][2]++; } if (TotWrong == 0){ Status[QNum][0] = 1; //Calculate the score for this question as a floating-point fraction of 1 Status[QNum][3] = ((Status[QNum][1].length - Status[QNum][2]) - 1) / (Status[QNum][1].length - 1); //If less than zero, set to zero if (Status[QNum][3] < 0){Status[QNum][3] = 0;} } } //Check whether the quiz is finished Finished = true; for (var i=0; i' + CurrScore; WriteScore(CurrScore); } if (Finished == true){ var CFT = 0; for (i=0; i 0){ WriteFeedback(Output); } } function CheckAnswer(QNum, ANum){ var Output = I[QNum][1][ANum][1]; if (Output==''){ if (I[QNum][1][ANum][2] == 1){ Output = DefaultRight; } else{ Output = DefaultWrong; } } //If it's not been previously answered correctly if (Status[QNum][0] == 0){ //If it's a correct answer if (I[QNum][1][ANum][2] == 1){ Status[QNum][0] = 1;//Mark the Q as done Status[QNum][1][ANum] = 'R'; MarkAnswer(QNum, ANum, true); //Calculate the score for this question as a floating-point fraction of 1 var PossibleWrongs = 0; for (var i=0; i' + CurrScore; WriteScore(CurrScore); } if (Finished == true){ var CFT = 0; for (i=0; i 0){ WriteFeedback(Output); } } function CalculateScore(){ var TriedQs = 0; var TotalScore = 0; for (var i=0; i 0)||(Status[i][3] == 1)){ TriedQs++; TotalScore += Status[i][3]; } } if (TriedQs == 0){ Score = 0; } else{ Score = (Math.floor(100 * (TotalScore/TriedQs))); } } function MarkAnswer(QNum, ANum, Right, Done){ if (Done == false){ var Mark = CorrectIndicator; if (Right == false){Mark = IncorrectIndicator;} document.getElementById('FB_' + QNum + '_' + ANum).innerHTML = Mark; } else{ if (Right == false){ document.getElementById('FB_' + QNum + '_' + ANum).innerHTML = IncorrectIndicator; } else{ document.getElementById('FB_' + QNum + '_' + ANum).innerHTML = CorrectIndicator; } } } function CheckCheckbox(QNum, ANum){ if (eval('document.QForm.A_' + QNum + '_' + ANum) != null){ eval('document.QForm.A_' + QNum + '_' + ANum).checked = true; } } function ShowReading(){ document.getElementById('ReadingDiv').innerHTML = TempReading; document.getElementById('NextQButton').focus(); // if (is.ns){window.resizeBy(1,0);window.resizeBy(-1,0);;} } //Reading text/timer code var min var sec var ShowReadingAgain = 'Start again...'; function DownTime(mm,ss){ min = mm; sec = ss; if (sec==0) { sec = 60; min--; } sec--; if (sec<10){ sec="0" + sec; } if (document.TimerForm.face == null){ return; } document.TimerForm.face.value= min+":"+sec; if ((min==0) && (sec==0)){ TimesUp() } else{ setTimeout('DownTime(min,sec)',1000) } } function StartReading(){ Stuff='
Remaining time:'; Stuff+='
'; WriteToTimer(Stuff); ShowReading(); timeoutID=setTimeout('DownTime(15,0)',1000); } function TimesUp() { if (ShowReadingAgain.length > 0) { Stuff=''; WriteToTimer(Stuff); } WriteToReading('Your time is over!'); } function WriteToReading(Stuff) { document.getElementById('ReadingDiv').innerHTML = Stuff; document.getElementById('NextQButton').focus(); } function WriteToTimer(Stuff){ document.getElementById('TimerDiv').innerHTML = Stuff; } function SendResults(Score){ var today = new Date; var NewName = '' + today.getTime(); var NewWin = window.open('Submission', NewName, 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no, menubar=no,scrollbars=yes,resizable=no,,width=400,height=300'); NewWin.document.clear(); NewWin.document.open(); NewWin.document.write(ResultForm); NewWin.document.close(); NewWin.document.Results.Score.value = Score + '%'; NewWin.document.Results.realname.value = UserName; NewWin.document.Results.End_Time.value = (new Date()).toLocaleString(); NewWin.document.Results.Start_Time.value = StartTime; NewWin.document.Results.submit(); } function Finish(){ //If there's a form, fill it out and submit it if (document.store != null){ Frm = document.store; Frm.starttime.value = HPNStartTime; Frm.endtime.value = (new Date()).getTime(); Frm.mark.value = Score; Frm.submit(); } } //--> //]]>
ATTENZIONE. E' necessario trovare la risposta esatta di ogni singolo quesito, altrimenti il programma non invierà il risultato al docente. In caso di risposta errata a un quesito, riprovate fino a che trovate quella giusta. Se fate tutto cliccando a caso sulle risposte, il voto inviato al docente sarà conseguentemente molto basso...

Sung by Sade

First listen to the song and then choose the correct answer for each question. MP3; RealAudio

1 There is a woman in Somalia
2 .......... for pearls on the roadside
3 There's a force stronger than ..........
4 Keeps her will alive
5 That's how she's dying
6 She's dying to ..........
7 Don't know what she's made of
8 I would like to be that ..........

9 She cries to the .......... above
10 There is .......... in my heart
11 She lives a life she didn't choose
12 And it hurts like .......... shoes

13 Hurts like .......... shoes

14 There is a woman in Somalia
15 The sun gives her no mercy
16 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
17 Burns her to the bone
18 Long as afternoon shadows
19 It's gonna take her to get home
20 Each .......... carefully wrapped up
21 Pearls ..... ..... ..... .....

22 Hallelujah, Hallelujah

23 ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
24 There is ..... ..... in my heart
25 She lives a life she didn't choose
26 And it hurts ..... ..... .....