Ci ha scritto dal Brasile

----- Original Message -----
From: Wilson - Qualidade
Sent: Monday, September 13, 2004 2:54 PM
Subject: Fustinoni Brasiliano

Dear Fustinoni,


First of all, my apologizes to write in English, because to write in Italian is very difficult for me.


My name is Wilson, I live in San Paolo, Brazil and I’m a Fustinoni family member.


I found this web site in Internet and decided to write to you to make a first contact with a Fustinoni’s member in Italia. Here in Brazil, the Fustinoni family is not so big, and all of then live here in San Paolo. My mother is the older member (my grand father Augusto was a first son of Pietro Fustinoni that was born in Brazil).


I know same members in Argentina too, but is not to easy to make contact with they…


I hope is easier with the Italian members!


If possible to you answer, my e-mail address is





Ho risposto

Dear Mr. Wilson, 
I thank you for your presentation and I try to answer you in English. 
I am bergamasco as the most greater part of the Fustinoni that are native of the valley brembana. My father was of Villa of Almè, as also my grandfather. Here from us there are numerous Fustinoni, all residents in the bergamasca. 
Through internet I have been able to see what time the last name is also diffused in other parts of Italy. Different Fustinoni are found in Latin America and particularly in Argentina. 
I would appreciate your news respect to the family: the origin and the actual composition. 
Kindest regards. 
Salvatore Fustinoni 
Seriate - Bergamo

Ci ha scritto dal Brasile

Caro Salvatore,


At this time, I’ll tell about myself.


I’m 44 years old, married with Susana Domingues since 1994. She is from Santa Catarina – state in the south of Brazil that received many Europeans immigrants too. I don’t have children (yet).


I work for a company that manufacture diamonds drills and petroleum drills.


I’m a quality consulter and quality auditor (management systems of quality, like ISO9000 and ISO 14000), I don’t know if you know about it?


I live in São Bernardo do Campo, a city next to São Paulo (capital of São Paulo state). My city is considered the center of automobilist industry. Here we have factures like VolksWagen, Mercedes, Ford, Scania, General Motors, etc (except Fiat that is located in Minas Gerais – another state).


My wife is an artisan. She works with things for babies’ bedrooms decoration.


The situation here in Brazil is so good now. Our biggest problem is “income distribution”. Even though we’re the 13th economy of world, few people are very very rich and the lot of population is very poor!


But the Brazil is a beautiful country!! Hot at more part of the year, marvelous beaches and forests. The culture is very rich because the colonization bring us a many cultural diversity: like Europeans, African, Arab, Japanese, Chinese, etc.The people are very approachable and happy!


Any time I hope to show this for you!


Is so good to have the possibility to help the people, like you do (especially the poor people, homeless, etc). Here in Brazil, there’re many movements in churches, ong’s, associations, etc, but is very difficult for people in retirement age stop to work. For much they are necessary to continue working because for this people the retirement wage is insufficient to have a proper life.


I wish in the future to have more time to dedicate to this important kind of work!


At this time, I’ll not send picture for you, but next week (October 12th) will be my mother’s birthday (83 years old) and I’ll take the pictures with the family and after that I send it for you, ok?


A presto. Wilson


Ci ha scritto dal Brasile

Dear Salvatore,


Apologize for the long time without news, but I need to have a business trip (audit in another plant of my company). Thereafter whe I come back I had many things to do, late work…you know


But now the things are so good and the right way and a have time to write to you.


I send with this e-mail, three pictures: the first one (Foto1) is my mother Julia Fustinoni (in the left) and my ant Mathilde Fustinoni. In the second (Foto2) are my uncle Osvaldo Fustinoni (in the left) and another uncle Pedro Fustinoni. At the last one (Foto3) are my wife Susana and I in the friend’s farm (a coffee’s farm).  



I saw the Internet sites that were made for you. That’s nice job Salvatore, congratulations!! I didn’t tell you, my second activity is tourism researcher, and my speciality is immigration tourism, like the Italians, Germans, Spanish and Japanese routes. I’ll do an Internet site and when it’s ready I tell you the address.


I hope to put a link in Italian language to make easy for you and another Italians people read. I think more two months it will ready. I hope!!!


If is possible, Id like to have yours address for me send you a Christmas card.


Well, for today is all. I’m waiting for news about you.


Yours sincerely,



Ho risposto

Caro Wilson,
è evidente che non ci sentiremo frequentemente perchè non è facile per ora trovare argomenti che ci possano unire. Non so quali interessi abbiamo in comune.
Ti scrivo per comunicarti che mi ha contattato un altro Fustinoni e ti riporto il testo del suo messaggio:
"Mi presento, sono Christophe FUSTINONI e abito a Grenoble (Francia). Ho scoperto il vostro sito via internet, e per essere sincero mi ha stupito, ero commosso di scoprire tutte queste persone che hanno lo stesso cognome!!!
Io ho 24 anni, ho studiato economia all'universita di Grenoble durante 2 anni, e poi per 2 altri anni ho seguito un corso di immobiliare, adesso lavoro in un'agenzia immobiliare che opera nel settore sociale...E nello stesso tempo sono incaricato di occuparmi dell'accoglienza degli studenti Erasmus italiani a Grenoble.
Mi dispiace di conoscere poco la provincia di Bergamo, e di piu 10 giorni fa ero a Milano, quindi avrei potuto fare una salto a Bergamo per visitare la citta...
Sono sinceramente molto contento, onorato e fiero di conoscere gente della stessa regione di miei parenti e che forse sono un po della mia famiglia!"
Come vedi ci sono altri "parenti lontani" che vivono in molti paesi del mondo. Anche se il nostro cognome non è molto comune, è evidente che i nostri avi, per diverse ragioni, si sono dovuti allontanare dalla terra di origine che è la Valle brembana a Bergamo.
Per ora ti saluto e ti allego una foto più recente di me con mia moglie. Se non ci sentiamo per Natale, ti faccio fin d'ora i più cari auguri e ricorderò te e la tua famiglia nelle preghiere affinché il Signore vi dia pace e serenità.
Se mi autorizzi, metterò una tua foto sul sito e qualche tua notizia.
Cordialità e un abbraccio.

Ci ha scritto dal Brasile

Caro Salvatore,


I agree with you when you spoke that is very difficult to find subject to write witch other but, even so, we can to write little messages. The important to me, is we don’t lose contact.


I was very preoccupied as the news about the earthquake in north of Italia (including Lombardia), I hope there is everything ok with you and your family!!


Is very nice to find another Fustinoni in France (Chritophe Fustinoni)! If he understand English and he likes too, I should like that you send his my e-mail address and he will write to me.


I printed the pictures that you send me and showed they for the Fustinoni’s relatives here in Brazil that I’ve seen till this time and all of they were happy to found ours “relatives” in Italia!


I’ll very happy if you can to put my photo in the site. As I spoke to you, I’ve opening a site about tourism and if is possible, you cant to put the link too. I think that many Italians who visit your page will like to know “the circuits of Italian colonization” (the site address is: In the future, the page will be translated to Italian too and that way will be easier to visit.


Salvatore, I don’t know if we’ll make contact till the Christmas so I wish for you, your wife and your family a Christmas whit the many pace, love, light and fraternity and the Lord’s blessing falls under all!!!


Cordialità e un Abbraccio,




Caro Salvatore,


I’m writing to you because I had an extraordinary new!


My wife Susana is pregnant of our first son (or daughter)!!


All of we are very, very happy!!!


To seize, I saw your Internet site ( with my e-mail address. It’s look good, but if is possible I request you to put my tourism Internet site too ( I believe that is the way to divulge it.


Cordialità e un Abbraccio,



Ho risposto (12/12/04)

anch'io sono felice per la bellissima notizia. Vi faccio i miei più vivi complimenti e vi chiedo di tenermi informato. Che il Signore vi benedica. Ringraziamo Maria per la sua intercessione.
In merito al sito che è attualmente in costruzione, è controproducente segnalarlo ora perchè chi lo visita e non trova niente, non ci torna più. Fatemi sapere quando verrà pronto e ve lo inserirò.
Saluti cari a tutti.
Salvatore e Tilde

Ci ha scritto dal Brasile (05/08/05)


Caro Salvatore,


First of all, Id like to know how are you and your family?

The reason that I’m writing to you is to communicate my daughter birth in July 15!

My wife and I are very, very happy, you can imagine, and the rest of the family is very happy to! I think I told to you that she is my first child and after many years we receive this God gift!

Her name is Maria Luiza. This name is her great-grandmothers tribute because all of then named Maria or Luiza (Luigia).

I put one picture of her enclosed this e-mail.

To taking the opportunity, as I told you, my web site about immigration tourism was conclude. In this moment it isn’t translated in Italian, but I think is possible to you visit it. More fill time I will translate for the idioms that is in flags in the first page.

But if you have time, please visit it and tell me what you thinking, ok?



Cordialità e un Abbraccio,



Ho risposto (17/08/05)

Carissimi, sono molto contento della nascita di Maria Luisa (noi diciamo così). La felicità per questo evento è grande in ogni famiglia che attraverso un figlio o una figlia si completa. Vi ringrazio per la bellissima fotografia della piccola che è veramente graziosa: complimenti specialmente alla mamma.

Ringraziamo il Signore per bellissimo dono che vi ha fatto. Vi auguro ogni bene ora e in futuro.



Visiterò il sito che hai realizzato e ti farò sapere le mie impressioni.

Noi in questi giorni di agosto eravamo in montagna, ad Averara che si trova in alta Valle Brembana a cinquanta chilometri da Bergamo. E' una tipica valle delle prealpi orobiche con moltissimo verde (abeti, faggi, castagni, noci, ecc.). Pur essendo piena estate, qui non fa già più molto caldo, anzi, dov'eravamo noi si arrivava anche a 8° C. al mattino. 


Per ora vi saluto caramente e, un bacione alla piccola.


Salvatore e Tilde 



