The Fine Line of Free File's Win-Win WebCPA (Dec. 13, 2006) - There’s no question that the Free File program, the Internal Revenue Service’s partnership with the manufacturers of tax prep software, is a win-win deal on many fronts for both parties. H&R Block TaxCut Online Debuts Redesigned Look and Expanded Taxpayer Services Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance KANSAS CITY, Mo.----For taxpayers who prefer ".com" to "CD-ROM" and "online" to "next in line," the newly redesigned TaxCut Online programs for tax year 2006 makes it even easier for taxpayers to get a jump on their tax preparation and year-end tax planning by launching more than 30 days earlier than last year. California revives tax prep program Intuit fought via Yahoo! Finance California's Franchise Tax Board will resurrect the state tax service, ReadyReturn, beginning in 2007. Take time to shave a few bucks from taxes Newsday Jason Belkin had been eyeing a Toyota Prius because it would save him money and time on his hundred-mile round-trip commute each day. But it was the federal tax credit that prompted him to buy the hybrid car in October. Calif. Tax Board Okays Return of ReadyReturn WebCPA Sacremento (Dec. 6, 2006) - The California Franchise Tax Board has voted unanimously to permanently offer a program allowing some low-income residents to file government-prepared tax returns, despite opposition from tax preparation software companies. Loss Harvesting Can Reap Tax Benefits Investor's Business Daily via Yahoo! News Cutting losses to preserve capital is a lesson many learn the hard way. But there's another big incentive for taking losses: saving on your taxes. H&R Block TaxCutR Redefines the Way People Buy Tax Software FinanzNachrichten For years, the enemy in “ do it yourself †tax preparation has been product confusion and pricing complexity, plus a lack of confidence that the average taxpayer can do the job right. H&R Block TaxCutR Redefines the Way People Buy Tax Software Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance KANSAS CITY, Mo.----For years, the enemy in "do it yourself" tax preparation has been product confusion and pricing complexity, plus a lack of confidence that the average taxpayer can do the job right. EagleTM Adds Premium & Municipal Tax Prep to WINGS Platform Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance Eagle Technology Management, Inc. has added its Premium and Municipal Tax Preparation product to its WINGS platform. WINGS is an enterprise program for financial and tax-compliance reporting that puts all of its functionality in a single processing environment -- with a common, relational database -- comprising applications for annual statements, state filings and forms, and premium and Maybe education matters more here Seattle Times When we moved from Seattle to a small town in Pennsylvania last winter, I worried about math. Our daughter was taking a very good honors
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