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Finding the Free Version of AVG 7.5 Anti-Virus Washington Post
A number of Security Fix readers have written to ask whether AVG would continue to offer a free version of its anti-virus product, as users have been seeing pop-up notices lately saying their software would expire in mid-January and that the software's parent company, Grisoft, was moving everyone to the 7.5 version. In a Security Fix Live chat last week, I said that AVG would continue to make its
Don't worry — Grisoft's virus fighter remains free Pioneer Press
Q. Thanks for the tip on the free Grisoft anti-virus program. It seems to be a good program, and my machine seems to boot up much quicker than when running Norton. However, Grisoft has informed me that my free software is to be canceled first of the year, and of course they suggest that I purchase their commercial program.
Vista's TCP/IP Promises and Perils Slashdot
boyko.at.netqos tips us to a new writeup on Vista's TCP/IP stack, which is called Compound TCP/IP (CTCP). From the article: "security policy will come from a centralized source. When you get your DHCP lease, your computer will report to the stack what OS you're using, what version level, what patches, what anti-virus software that's active — all that kind of stuff. It will have the ability to
Microsoft releases patches for software flaws USA Today
Microsoft put out three software patches Tuesday that fix problems carrying a "critical" rating, the company's highest threat level. All three could let an attacker remotely run code on a victim's computer.
Get the facts you need to make the choice between Windows and Linux. Just click on the whitepaper of your choice to Linux Today
"When the average computer user thinks about security, they usually think about reactive measures like anti-virus programs or security patches--responses to a specific threat. Such measures play a role in securing a workstation or a network, but they are often less than half the story.
Free anti-virus ware will still be available Northwest Herald
I’ve used and liked the free AVG anti-virus program for a long time, but I just got an announcement from its developers saying the free version will be discontinued in January. If that is true, is there another free alternative?
Configuration: the forgotten side of security NewsForge
When the average computer user thinks about security, they usually think about reactive measures like anti-virus programs or security patches -- responses to a specific threat. Such measures play a role in securing a workstation or a network, but they are often less than half the story. A more efficient approach is to configure a system securely from the start. Yet the realities of the software
Webroot Grants Ingram Micro and Channel Edge Partners Immediate Access to New Integrated Spyware and Virus Protection Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance
BOULDER, Colo.----Webroot Software, Inc., the leading provider of anti-spyware software for consumer, enterprise and SME markets, today announced the availability of a new SME product through its global distributor, Ingram Micro Inc. , as well as its Channel Edge partners.
Dr. Bombay Computer M.D. Fort Worth Star-Telegram
For virus protection, if it ain't broke
Sophos software will block games from corporate networks The Inquirer
INSECURITY FIRM Sophos is offering companies the ability to control and block computer games that may worm their way onto their networks.

AVG Free Advisor: Free anti-virus, anti-spyware and anti-malware tools
I trust AVG Anti-Spyware 7.5 100% to clean my PC of any virus I may get hit with. I would trust my life with this software. Don't be fooled by reviews
AVG Free Advisor: AVG Anti-Virus Free
We invite you to join the millions of satisfied customers worldwide who have downloaded the software and now enjoy the benefits of AVG Anti-Virus Free.
TheFreeSite.com: Free Software: Free Anti-Virus software, freeware
TheFreeSite.com offers free antivirus software, virus scanning freeware, free software, trackers, guestbooks, graphics, freeware, games, shareware,
Sophos - software antivirus e antispam per le imprese
Sophos è uno dei leader mondiali nella protezione delle imprese dai virus e dallo spam. Più di 35 milioni di utenti in aziende di tutte le dimensioni
McAfee per utenti privati - Software antivirus e di protezione su
Una Serie di Suggerimenti Uniti a Software Anti-Spam Permettono agli Utenti di McAfee Security è il leader globale nelle soluzioni anti-virus corporate.
Sophos - anti-virus and anti-spam computer software for businesses
Sophos's anti-virus and anti-spam software protects business computers against viruses, spyware, adware, Trojans, and spam.
VirIT eXplorer Pro Anti-Virus - Security Software - Anti worm
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Antivirus per Server Exchange
Software antivirus, di controllo del contenuto, scoperta di exploit e anti-trojan. Kaspersky Anti-Virus McAfee Norman BitDefender AVG Anti-Virus
Il virus Blaster (Lovsan, MSBlast). Info e rimozione. - Extra
Blaster (Lovsan): il nuovo virus anti Microsoft (17/08/03) sul proprio computer un buon software antivirus (raccomandiamo Norton Antivirus 2003 o McAfee
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