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Presentation on Building Applications in Shale
http://dchooge.myweb.uga.edu/Setting_up_Shale.ppt This presentation goes over all required files for a Shale application as well as how to tie them all together. Additionally I go over some of the optional files and outline how they fit
Shale v. Struts Presentation
My presentation comparing Shale and Struts is available at: http://dchooge.myweb.uga.edu/Shale_Presentation.ppt
PowerPoint Presentation on Enterprise Software Engineering
The presentation on Enterprise Software Engineering is available at: http://dchooge.myweb.uga.edu/Enterprise_Presentation.ppt
Model-driven software engineering, Tampere, Finland, 9-11.8.2006
Edit: added the link to my ppt file. Last week I had the pleasure of attending (and also speaking at) a very high-quality event about model-driven software engineering. The main speakers were world-class experts on modeling,
Measures and Measurement for Secure Software Development
20, 2000. http://iase.disa.mil/ditscap/ditsprimer.ppt. Woody, Carol; Hall, Anthony; & Clark, Humphrey, Watts S. A Discipline for Software Engineering. ISO/IEC 15939:2002, Software engineering – Software Measurement Process.
Aspect-oriented Software Development and PHP
Aspect Oriented Software Development (AOSD) is a methodology meant to implement new aspects in software design, programming, reverse-engineering and re-engineering; http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/C.Courbis/papers/12jan04Board.ppt
Human Computer Interaction HCI
Next, you approach a civil engineer or contractor who works on calculating for industrial products, users psychology and software engineering. Their deliverables are mostly in the form of document or an html/flash/ppt prototype.
SMBx: The Revolution of the SMB Application Marketplace
Dave Ferguson, Engineering Director, Google Are we ready for a major software revolution or is this all hype? available online directly using Zoho QuickRead (formats supported: doc, xls, ppt, odt, rtf, sxw, sxc, sxi, pps)]
Sick of spam? Have another drink…of it.
Here’s an interesting research on “Examining Internet Privacy Policies Within the Context of Use Privacy Values” :”In this paper, we present research bridging the gap between management and software requirements engineering.
Software Engineering Challenges for Ubiquitous Computing
I attended the workshop on Software Engineering Challenges for Ubiquitous Computing what kind of problems software engineers in the automotive space are facing. [PPT] Talk: Software Considerations for Automotive Pervasive Systems

Microsoft PowerPoint - Ch_3.ppt
Software Engineering, 5th edition. Chapter 3. Slide 2. Scopi. N. Introdurre il “management” (gestione) di un. progetto sw e descrivere le caratteristiche
Microsoft PowerPoint - Ch_29.ppt
Software Engineering, 5th edition. Chapter 29. Slide 2. Obiettivi della stima dei costi. N. Stabilire un budget per un progetto sw
Ingegneria del Software-Anno Accademico 2004-2005-Sede di Agrigento
2, 02-Nov, Martedì, 1, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, Introduction to Software Engineering, ch01lect1.ppt. (ore 16-18), (recupero del 28 sett)
[Dromey95] R.G. Dromey, A Model for Software Product Quality, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, 21(2):146-162, Feb, 1995.
Windows A Software Engineering Odyssey
A Software Engineering Odyssey. Mark Lucovsky. Distinguished Engineer. Microsoft Corporation. Agenda. History of NT; Design Goals/Culture
Software Engineering
Software engineering (SE) is an intellectual activity and thus human-intensive; Software is built to meet a certain functional goal and satisfy certain
Microsoft PowerPoint - 1.Security2003.ppt
Software Engineering Vs. Politica di Sicurezza: Software Engineering and Security (1/4). Software Engineering and Security (1/4)
Software Engineering
Challenge: Match the product to an area of the Software Engineering Software Engineering has a bright future (job opportunities)
Microsoft PowerPoint - software engineering.ppt
Software Engineering. The science concerned with putting Software Engineering has been. the design of. Ada Programming Language!
Microsoft PowerPoint - 02-ProcessoDiSviluppoSistCompl.ppt
Integration and. system testing. Delivery and. maintenance. waterfall model. Ghezzi, Jazayeri, Mandrioli – Foundamentals of software engineering – Ch. 1 software+engineering+ppt: software+engineering+ppt
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