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Finding the Free Version of AVG 7.5 Anti-Virus Washington Post
A number of Security Fix readers have written to ask whether AVG would continue to offer a free version of its anti-virus product, as users have been seeing pop-up notices lately saying their software would expire in mid-January and that the software's parent company, Grisoft, was moving everyone to the 7.5 version. In a Security Fix Live chat last week, I said that AVG would continue to make its
Free and fierce USA Today
We all know the malware / phishing / general bad-people situation is getting worse on the Interwebs, and that the protection that might have been sufficient even last year is quite likely outgunned by now. Case in point: I run
NetSky Signs LOI to Acquire PepperLink.com Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance
NetSky Holdings, Inc., an Internet consolidation company, continues to move forward with its business plan of acquiring local market ISPs with the signing of an LOI to acquire Alabama-based ISP, PepperLink.com.
Monthly Microsoft Patch Release Won't Include Word Fix Washington Post
Microsoft Corp. said yesterday that its monthly patch release next Tuesday will include at least six software updates to plug security holes in its Windows operating system and other software. Missing from the company's notice, however, is any mention of a software update to fix a dangerous flaw in Microsoft Word that criminals are actively exploiting to break into Windows PCs. Five of the
Rick's Notebook: Red Hat To Cover Wall Street In Red With Move To NYSE WRAL-TV 5 Raleigh
CEO Matthew Szulik will ring opening bell as Red Hat celebrates its move to New York Stock Exchange from the NASDAQ.
Configuring IPCop Firewalls Slashdot
Ravi writes "IPCop is a GPLed firewall solution targeted at Small Office/Home Office network. It is favored by many for its ease of configuration and setup and its support for a variety of features that you would expect to have in a modern firewall. IPCop is famed for letting users setup a sophisticated firewall for ones network without ever having to write an iptables rule themselves." Read the
Personal Tech Washington Post
The Washington Post's Rob Pegoraro will be online to answer your personal tech questions, discuss recent reviews and give advice for finding the right gadget for the holidays.
Personal Tech RedNova
By Rob Pegoraro, Washington Post Personal Technology Columnist The Washington Post's was online at to answer your personal tech questions, discuss recent columns, and provide advice for finding the right gadget for the holidays.
Personal Tech Washington Post
The Washington Post's Rob Pegoraro was online to answer your personal tech questions, discuss recent reviews and give advice for finding the right gadget for the holidays.
Review: PrevX 1.0 Personal Computer World
PrevX 1.0 is described as an anti-malware product. Malware is a vague term covering all manner of viruses, spyware and adware. This software is seen by its developers as a complete replacement for well-known packages from Symantec or McAfee.
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