Setting Editor for Digital Satellite Receiver Arion 1900
Rev. 6.2.3 - 7 Sep 2005

ZodiacEdit is an useful tool for Setting editing for the receivers, reselled in different Countries with the following tags:
- Arion 1900CI
- Zodiac DZR-1900C
- Ferguson AF-5018CI
- OpenBox
- PowerSky
- Termal
- Houston
- He@d
- Liberty
- Olimpia
- Edision
- ... and who knows how many more...


I have developed this software because, after having purchased the equipment and looked for the required software, I didn't find anything and provided by myself.

All information here provided come from research of the author.
Any query addressed by e-mail or official web-site of the equipment constructor have been unanswered.

The only "official" source where is possible periodically to download software updates, even if undocumented, is the web site of the reseller in Italy Melchioni.

With ZodiacEdit you can download and upload the configuration file and easily create, delete and edit all configuration parameters


I suggest to make a backup copy of all files before changing the settings with ZodiacEdit!
The database files downloaded from the Digital Receiver could contain incomplete or incongruent data. In some cases ZodiacEdit can restore or correct data in this case. However it is recommended to check the congruence of database files before working with ZodiacEdit.


ZodiacEdit supports the database versions listed below:
- 0000 0005
- 0060 0005
- 0060 0005b
- 0060 0009
- 0060 0009b
- 0000 0209
- 0000 8209
- 0000 8209b

The versions labelled b identify those databases using Satellite name + Position (i.e. Hotbird : 13° E).

ZodiacEdit is compatible with Windows 98-ME-NT-2000-Xp.
Starting from version 6.x.x, ZodiacEdit requires the "MS Forms 2.0 Object Libraries", installed by default on WinNT/2K/XP systems. These libraries are present on Win98/ME if IExplorer ver. 6.x or MS Office 2000/2003 are installed. Check if "fm20.dll" file is present on your machine. If not, download it from Microsoft site.

Known problems

Under Win98/Me, visualization of international characters, is correct only on systems supporting the selected language. Otherwise, some windows could show improperly these characters.

Menu language list has been changed in database version 0060 0005b, starting from fw "AF 5018 CI ver. 4768". Setting Files created by previous fw or using ZodiacEdit 6.1.8 and earlier incorrectly show the field "Menu Language".


It is recommended to uninstall previous version of ZodiacEdit, before installing the current version. In case delete manually the /lang folder.


Supported languages are those listed in the application menu, at the moment Greek, English, Italian, Polish, Slovak, Spanish, Persian and Russian. You can modify the application messages by editing the .lng file in the program folder, using a Unicode aware editor (Notepad under Windows NT/2000/XP or UltraEdit). In order to apply changes, simply delete the relevant .res file (i.e.: english.lng changed, delete english.res) and restart ZodiacEdit.

What is new in version 6.2.3

- DB 0000 0809b added
- Spanish Language improved (Thanks to Santiago Calero)

What is new in version 6.2.2

- DB 0000 0809 added

What is new in version 6.2.1

- Menu language list changed to comply with db 0060 0005b "AF 5018 CI ver. 4768" and later.
- Now ZodiacEdit autodetect the language file version so that can automatically correct eventual installation problems.

What is new in version 6.1.9

- Transfer of .ird files, database 0060 0005b, fixed
- Menu languages for FW "AF 5018 CI ver. 4768" and later, added

What is new in version 6.1.8

- Error "Serial Port not available" in case of port selection, fixed
- Edit /Tv/Radio/Data Group or empty Group. Error in case of selective search by name, fixed
- Serial Port Settings and recent Files are saved and shown right now, without need to restart ZodiacEdit.
- Further models in Header added

What is new in version 6.1.7

- Error when opening ird files (db 0060 0005, 0060 0009) in some cases, fixed
- "Conversion error" message when saving 00600009b version, fixed

What is new in version 6.1.6

- Support French language

What is new in version 6.1.5

- Polish Help file added (thanks to Jaros!)
- Some Russian messages updated

What is new in version 6.1.4

- Import from .sdx file changed. Now ZodiacEdit correct automatically eventual incongruences in downloaded .sdx files.
- Some messages in Polish and English changed

What is new in version 6.1.3

- The language menu now is configured according to the existing .lng files
- Support Persian language

What is new in version 6.1.2

- Support Spanish language
- Message error working on db version 00600009b and saving after changes, fixed
- Optimize function. Improved search. Search of duplicated channels according to ID parameters, optionally selected, added (The function is, at the moment, extremely slow)
- Modified installation folder for language files and possibility to erase the .res files in case of customization.

What is new in version 6.1.1

- Support Slovak language
- Minor changes

What is new in version 6.0.10

- File save error under some circumstances, fixed
- ZodiacEdit unespected exit under some circumstances, fixed
- Option for filtering channel name from non valid characters, added. The cleaning is applied at the opening of .ird file.

What is new in version 6.0.9

- Function for Channel Sort added (by Name or by Sat/Freq/Channel Name)
- Optionally Show all channel parameters in Channel List

What is new in version 6.0.8

- Malfunction in case of file extension Uppercase fixed
- Some messages in Polish changed
- More receiver Models in Header added

What is new in version 6.0.7

- Files .auc and .buc Header setting

What is new in version 6.0.6

- Greek language support
- Resource file access improved. If you like to customize the application edit your language file (i.e.: english.lng) using a Unicode editor (Notepad under WinXp/2000 or UltraEdit), delete .res file (i.e.: english.res), restart ZodiacEdit.

What is new in version 6.0.4

- Sorting transponder by Sat/Freq/SymRate
- Text messages in separate file. Now you can customize or translate messages of the application (.lng files)

What is new in version 6.0.3

- Problems in save as Excel file fixed
- Sorting transponder faster procedure

What is new in version 6.0.2

- Import file, Option for filtering not existing Satellites, added
- Sort Transponder list by Frequency, added

What is new in version 6.0.1

- Export configuration in file.

What is new in version 6.0.0

- Full standard Unicode support for International Languages (See Requirements section).
- Revised Menu, Favorites, Languages

What is new in version 5.0.9

- Fixed a problem occurred when working with more than 255 transponders.

What is new in version 5.0.8

- Subtitles.
- Fixed malfunction occurred in some cases during channel search.

What is new in version 5.0.7

- Fixed download problem with .auc and .buc files. Now you can transfer files from receiver to Pc. These files can be then uploaded to the same receiver or other (same hw, no header changes are made).

What is new in version 5.0.6

- Fixed messages for russian and polish language

What is new in version 5.0.5

- Now support file transfer for boot files (.buc) and firmware files (.auc)
- Minor changes for russian and polish language

What is new in version 5.0.2

- Support russian language, on platform based on cyrillic CharSet.

What is new in version 5.0.0

- This version edit all database supported versions.
- Save as with convertion of file into other database versions


For malfunction, comments and suggestion, contact
For latest upgrades visit swfranco