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Time: 13-VIII-2002 8,30 - 10,30 UT
Location: Piverone, northern Italy
Weather: clear, no wind
Telescope: Celestron G 9.25

Moon: good view at every power, 59x - 448x, there is no problem of 
scattered light, the sky near the moon, low on the horizon, is inky black.

Epsilon Lyrae: resolved at 131x, steady seeing

M 20: at 98x are visble two of the dark lanes.

M 69: at 98x isn't so bright and is not resolved.

M 70: at 98x isn't so bright and is not resolved.

M 54: it's better than the other two, bigger and brighter and externally 
resolved at 157x.

NGC 6522: visible at 157x with brighter core.

NGC 6528: it's a great view in the same field of 6522 of which resembles 
a fainter copy.

NGC 6544: granular at 157x, it seems resolved at the edges.

NGC 6629: invisible at 224x, I thought of being in the wrong place but 
at 448x it's a textured disk not so faint with visible central star.

NGC 6638: at 157x it's granular with edges not well defined.

NGC 6642: at 157x it's granular with brighter core.

NGC 6652: at 157x it has an irregular shape with uniform brightness.

NGC 6569: faint with granular periphery at 157x.

At 10,00 Ut I was joined by my father, who isn't an amateur astronomer, 
he is a racing pigeon fancier (world champion in 1997), but started my 
love with astronomy showing me the brightest constellation and buying my 
equipment, so I showed him some showpieces from the messier catalog:
8,13,17,22,24,25,27,28,31,32,110 and for last M57 and he said it's a 
bright anulus with a central star (he didn't know tha is a planetary 
nebula and even what is a planetary nebula. I looked and I saw what 
seemed a faint central star at 314x, it's possible?