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Time: 07-VIII-2002 7.30 - 10.30 UT
Location: Piverone, northern Italy
Weather: clear with wind
Telescope: Celestron G 9.25

After a sunny day a good night! The sky was clear but there was a little wind because I live on a hill in front of a lake so when the sun is hot there is breeze (I don't know its name in english!). I set up the scope and started observing in twilight.

Polaris: the sky was bright, visible only the summer triangle, Arcturus and at the limit Polaris. At 98x the companion was visible with averted vision.

Venus: setting on the west horizons visible the phase (70%) at 98x.

Epsilon Lyrae: at 98x isn't resolved but at 224x one can tell that PA are orthogonal, not well resolved lot of turbulence, maybe termic stabilization issue.

After waiting a moment for the cool down I restarted observing.

Antares: at 224x it seems elongated PA 270° but there is turbulence.

M 4: great view at 98x it's loose.

M 80: I prefer it to M4 denser, and maybe brighter, but even at 157x it is only granular, maybe it's too low on horizon.

NGC 6144: faint not resolved at 98x, at 224x the perifery seems resolved

M 57: great at 157x there are irregularities in both the anulus and the hole, invisible the central star even at 448x.

Now a tour of objects on map 66 of Uranometria 2000.0 volume 1.

Albireo: Great the color contrast, I prefer the view at 59x because there are more star in the field..

M 27: visible in the 8x50 finder it's a great view at 98x it looks like a rectangle superimposed trasversally on an ellipse's perimeter. At 98x the nebulosity doesn't seem regular and there are many stars over it. At higher power the image loses luminosity and contrast.

M 71: visible in the finder, great at 157x, luminosity increases toward the center and the perifery isn't so easiliy distinguished from the background stars.

NGC 6800(OC): tens of diffuse stars, not very interesting.

NGC 6802(OC): richer than 6800 oval form.

NGC 6842(PN): invisible.

NGC 6886(PN): stellar at 98x, it takes 224x to see a little disk.

Palomar 10: really faint ball of light brighter toward the center at 131x.

NGC 6905(PN): visible at 98x, at 157x it's a disk beetwen two stars and I think I see central star as a brightened center.

NGC 6834(OC): many stars at 98x.

Last but not least:

M 13: GREAT resolved at all powers.