MERCUTIO: Where the devil should this Romeo be? Came he not home to-night?

BENVOLIO: Not to his father's; I spoke with his man.

MERCUTIO: Why that pale hard-hearted wench, that Rosaline. Torments him so, that he will sure run mad.

BENVOLIO: Tybalt Hath sent a letter to his father's house.

MERCUTIO: A challenge, on my life.

BENVOLIO: Romeo will answer it?

MERCUTIO: Any man that can write may answer a letter.

BENVOLIO: Nay, he will answer the letter's master, how he dares, being dared.

MERCUTIO: But alas poor Romeo, he is already dead! Stabbed with a white wench's black eye; run through the ear with a love-song; the very pin of his heart cleft with the blind bow-boy's butt-shaft: and is he a man to encounter Tybalt?

BENVOLIO: Why, what is Tybalt?

MERCUTIO: More than Prince of Cats. He is the courageous captain of compliments. He fights as you sing prick-song, keeps time, distance, and proportion; he rests, his minim rests, one, two, and the third in your bosom: the very butcher of a silk button. A duellist. A duellist! A gentleman of the very first house, of the first and second cause: the immortal passado! Punto reverso! The hai!

BENVOLIO: The what?

BENVOLIO: Here comes Romeo. Romeo!

ROMEO: Ho Ho, Capital Punks!

MERCUTIO: Signior Romeo, bonjour! There's a French salutation to your French slop. You gave us the counterfeit fairly last night.

ROMEO: Good morrow to you both. What counterfeit did I give you?

MERCUTIO: The slip, son, the slip; can you not conceive?

ROMEO: Pardon, good Mercutio, my business was great; and in such a case as mine a man may strain courtesy.

MERCUTIO: That's as much to say, such a case as yours constrains a man to bow in the hams.

ROMEO: Meaning, to court'sy. MERCUTIO: Thou hast most kindly hit it.

ROMEO: A most courteous exposition.

MERCUTIO: Nay, I am the very pink of courtesy.

ROMEO: Pink for flower.


ROMEO: Why, then is my pump well flowered?

MERCUTIO: Sure Witt! Now art thou sociable, now art thou Romeo; now art thou what thou art, by art as well as by nature.

ROMEO: Here's goodly gear!

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