Bosnian Serb gets 24 years in jail for war crimes Reuters via Yahoo! News The appeals chamber of Bosnia's war crimes court on Wednesday sentenced Bosnian Serb Nedjo Samardzic to 24 years in jail after his original sentence of 13 years and four month was overturned. Bosnian persecutor gets 24 years in jail AAP via Yahoo!7 News The appeals chamber of Bosnia's war crimes court has sentenced Bosnian Serb Nedjo Samardzic to 24 years in jail after his shorter sentence was overturned. Bosnian Serb jailed for 24 years News Interactive THE appeals chamber of Bosnia's war crimes court today sentenced Bosnian Serb Nedjo Samardzic to 24 years in jail after his original sentence of 13 years and four month was overturned. Bosnian Serb gets 24 years in jail for war crimes AlertNet Source: Reuters SARAJEVO, Dec 13 (Reuters) - The appeals chamber of Bosnia's war crimes court on Wednesday sentenced Bosnian Serb Nedjo Samardzic to 24 years in jail after his original sentence of 13 years and four Bosnian Serb war criminal gets 24 years in jail Khaleej Times SARAJEVO - The War Crimes Chamber of Bosnia-Herzegovina’s State Court sentenced on Wednesday the Bosnian Serb Nedjo Samardzic to 24 years in jail for war crimes in Bosnia, doubling the original 12 years jail sentence handed down last April. Foca Rape Trial Hears Conflicting Testimony Institute for War and Peace Reporting Defense witnesses in a Sarajevo trial for wartime rapes in eastern Bosnia told to tell the truth. High Growth Reported in the World Wide Automotive Electrical Products Market Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance LYON, France----Allbizreport.com announces that new market research reports related to the automotive world wide industry are available to its catalogue. Mandic Trial Hears of Terrible Jail Conditions Institute for War and Peace Reporting Former inmates of infamous Serb prison near Sarajevo speak of hunger, beating and torture. The Mosley Legacy Pitpass The Mosley Legacy Bosnian Court Judgement in Rape Case Institute for War and Peace Reporting Former Bosnian Serb soldier is sentenced to 16 years in prison for raping Muslim women during the war.
.: LAV :. In Italia grazie alla campagna della LAV, è stata approvata una prima moratoria alle importazioni di pelli di foca, che segna un primo storico passo avanti .: LAV :. Poiché l’Italia è uno dei principali Paesi produttori al mondo di pellicce di foca, complice quindi della mattanza di circa un milione di cuccioli WWF ITALIA - Notizie e approfondimenti su ambiente e territorio mc116619 - F.Di Domenico.jpg Monachus monachus Foca monaca La Foca monaca del Al genere Monachus appartengono tre specie distinte: la Foca monaca del Foca - Viquipèdia A Wikimedia Commons hi ha contingut multimèdia relatiu a:. Foca. Obtingut de "http://ca.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foca". Categoria: Carnívors Foca - Wikipédia A foca, no sentido lato, é um mamífero da super-família Pinnipedia, família Phocidae, adaptado à vida Retirado de "http://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foca" Liberissimo » Kerlon la foca Kerlon la foca. By MatteoPedrosi | Dicembre 1, 2006 - 7:55 am Ai miei tempi “la foca” della situazione non era Kerlon Souza, bensì il grande Marco Nappi Monachus monachus - Wikipedia Le caratteristiche somatiche della Foca monaca sono analoghe a quelle delle altre Phocidae: La vita della Foca monaca si svolge soprattutto in mare; Foca monaca - Caratteristiche Generale La Foca monaca, un raro pinnipede che viveva fino agli anni '60 in alcune isole Il genere Monachus comprende 3 specie di foche: la Foca monaca del Joomla - Home Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system. Foca monaca Foca monaca fauna di sardegna animali sardi. La foca monaca è vittima di un decremento drastico della popolazione a causa della pressione antropica