In the end, shared friendsoften must pick sides New York Daily News Dear Harriette:I was dating this guy for five years, and it has been about 11 months since we have been apart. Now I am in a relationship with a new guy I really like, and I enjoy it when we spend time together. But I feel that, since my ex and I shared the same friends and everyone was so used to seeing us together, they don't welcome my new boyfriend. I have tried to keep things separate Placid, N. Elba step toward shared DPW Adirondack Daily Enterprise LAKE PLACID — The town of North Elba and the village of Lake Placid took its first step Monday toward creating a shared water, highway and sewer department by agreeing to share expertise, though departmental funding could become an issue for the village. Englishtown council hopefuls discuss shared services Asbury Park Press Whether or not Englishtown should examine merging its police force with Manalapan is the central issue in what was almost just another uncontested election. Shared Parenting News KXMA-TV Dickinson The Grand Forks Herald has come out against the Shared Parenting Initiative. Well, not against the initiative per se, but rather against enacti As most of you are probably aware, it is illegal under both North Dakota law and federal law for any government employee to use government resources (e.g. copy machines, computers, email accounts, phones, etc.) for political purposes. Grand Forks Herald: Shared Parenting Should Come From Legislature KXMA-TV Dickinson The Grand Forks Herald has come out against the Shared Parenting Initiative. Well, not against the initiative per se, but rather against enacting it as law by approving through a popular vote in the upcoming election. American Shared Hospital Services Announces Third Quarter 2006 Earnings Conference Call RedNova American Shared Hospital Services (AMEX:AMS) (PCX:AMS), a leading provider of turnkey technology solutions for advanced radiosurgical and radiation therapy solutions, will hold its quarterly conference call to discuss third quarter 2006 results on Friday, November 3, at 11:00 a.m. Pres. Hinckley shares vignettes of his life Provo Daily Herald LDS Church President Gordon B. Hinckley shared a few of his most meaningful experiences with a crowd at BYU on Tuesday morning. In a series of eight vignettes -- on missionary work and war, on the plight of the pioneers and conflict in the Middle East -- he recounted what he called "a sampling of significant occasions that have forever touched my life." Chipper as ever, the 96-year-old paused New study to examine shared emergency services Edison Sentinel EDISON - Edison and Woodbridge's emergency responders may soon be able to communicate with each other instantly. Dancing to the big bands at Detroit's ballrooms Detroit News After World War I, Detroiters wanted to rebuild their lives, put the pain behind them and begin to enjoy life. Ballrooms became the public drawing room where boy met girl. They could be elegant or plain, in big cities or in rural areas. But they all shared a common denominator -- music and dancing. The huge Bob-Lo Island pavilion, second largest in the country, held 5,000 swaying dancers at full SCHOOL NOTES Community Press & Recorder Greg Jowaisas recently shared America's traditional music, stories and dance with students at St. Gabriel Consolidated School. He played a variety of musical instruments including the banjo and hammer dulcimer and told many stories about early days of life in North America.
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