Oracle 10g R2 CREATE VIEW: ORA-01031 - IT Blog create view vtest as select * from dual * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: create role resource / grant create table,create cluster,create sequence Handling Numbers SQL> create table XYZ ( 2 record_no number(4) primary key, 3 time_of_day time); The ORA-01031 error occurs when a user has been granted at least one Ask Tom: On Favorites and CONNECT BY This will help us understand the syntax and get CREATE TABLE statements that ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512: at "COMMON. Comunità Forums: Privilegi di uno user create table t (x int) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SQL> conn system@oracle9i Enter password: Connected. SQL> grant create table to Oracle: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE - ORA-01031: insufficient privileges I'm GETTING ORA-01031 ON EXECUTE IMMEDIATe while executing proc. I have a privelge to create table, which privileges need to be granted to my account to
Ask Tom: On Favorites and CONNECT BY This will help us understand the syntax and get CREATE TABLE statemen that ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-06512: at "COMMON. Comunità Forums: Privilegi di uno user create table t (x int) * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SQL> conn system@oracle9i Enter pword: Connected. SQL> grant create table to Oracle: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE ORA-01031: insufficient privileges I'm GETTING ORA-01031 ON EXECUTE IMMEDIATe while executing proc. I have a privelge to create table, which privileges need to be granted to my account to FAQ / Oracle / ORA-01031: insufficient privileges при выполнении SQL> grant r1 to u1; -- пользователь получает привилегю create table через роль SQL> exec test; BEGIN test; END; * ERROR at line 1: ORA-01031: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ORA-01031: insufficient privileges. In most cases, the user receiving this error lacks a privilege to create an object (such as a table, view, procedure and OraFAQ Forum: SQL Exper => ORA-01031 when trying drop partitions alter table YYY.TABLENAME drop partition MYPARTITION update global indexes. within schema X, I get ORA-01031: insufficient privileges ALTER TABLE MOVE TABLE. SQL> create table t (a number); create table t (a number) * ERROR at line 1: 1: ORA-01031: insufficient privileges SQL> connect singhk/ Connected. AskTom "public procedure gives error ORA-01031: " This error also occurs if attempting to UPDATE a table with only SELECT privileges, ORA-01031 insufficient privilege error February 09, 2005