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Turquoise SuperStat 2.2.1 * Message area statistics
(c) Copyright 1998-2001 Peter Karlsson
This report covers 1286 messages written between
01/02/2005 00:34:40 and 28/02/2005 22:44:36

(Statistiche per questo mese fornite da Pino Pinto)

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Writers Contents Subjects Programs Weekday Hour


Messaggi inviati: 1286


Toplist of writers Su

Place Name Msgs Bytes Quoted
1. Seldon <hariseldon@trantor.edu> 250 173874 18.9%
2. Valerio HT <something_else_larkstongues757_zga@des 118 226184 27.6%
3. Syddharta <syddhartabarrett@hotmail.com> 117 29978 35.1%
4. Silence in the studio <byke@barrett.net> 108 58892 23.7%
5. Huyg <diougo@inwind.it> 89 52594 44.1%
6. Ultraviolet <@@@.it> 49 104412 34.1%
7. Man - Erg <trallallero.trallalla@tin.it> 44 51165 27.4%
8. porky <porkyporkus@yahoo.com> 44 41142 24.5%
9. Andrea-Pinky <auaua.le.dita.dal.naso@tiscali.it> 42 21387 34.5%
10. Pino Pinto <pinopinto@vene.dave.it> 28 37977 18.6%
11. ZioArturone <zioarturone@people.it> 27 9062 37.2%
12. Pask <xxx@xxx.xxx> 22 11148 35.9%
13. capitan harlock <carlao1979@despammed.com> 20 15555 52.5%
14. VaLeRiALL <catseyess@virgilio.it> 18 10949 23.9%
15. Galnick <galTOnick@libeGLIro.it> 18 9009 31.1%
16. Dvandar <vandario@kkatamail.com> 17 40294 52.5%
17. Mr Fuffa <carlao1979@despammed.com> 17 16026 53.9%
18. Ares <HowtoDisappear@Completely.rh> 16 14975 54.2%
19. Verbal <NOSPAMverbal61SPAMNO@NOSPAMhotmail.comSPAM 16 4487 63.7%
20. Anderson Council <giulio.cozzuto@fastwebnet.it> 13 10091 34.9%
21. daRkSidE <daxvixde@darkside.invalid> 13 8116 49.4%
22. Baglio <fDOTbaglini@tin.it> 13 6313 60.6%
23. Torto <torto@pinkfloydfan.net> 13 6016 33.0%
24. potasi <reilover@evangelion.com> 13 4712 44.0%
25. Dream Tea <labassistaTOGLIMI@tiscali.it> 11 3493 81.1%
26. Pentothal <carlao1979@despammed.com> 10 15075 61.0%
27. Filesnav2k <filesnav2k@tin.it> 10 9402 31.5%
28. MrKite <r.ilardo@tin.it> 10 6345 36.7%
29. Golden Hair <uffiuffi@uffi.it> 10 5520 24.6%
30. ThorazineShuffle <mule@libero.it> 9 1767 12.5%
31. Brain Damage <Brain@Damage.it> 8 2270 21.9%
32. mazapegul <porkyporkus@yahoo.com> 7 4397 13.6%
33. zerothehero <attentoconquellascia@yahoo.it> 7 3821 30.2%
34. daurjax <RogerW@pinkfloydfan.net> 6 2745 57.4%
35. Party Girl <@@@.it> 5 13555 29.3%
36. Ultraviolet <@@@.it> 5 8238 46.9%
37. Saboldo <saboldo@hotmail.com> 5 1238 48.5%
38. Cat Girl <@@@.it> 4 7085 12.9%
39. cuciuzzo <pinkcuciuzzo@thewall.floyd> 4 5542 38.3%
40. Vandario <vandario@katamail.com> 3 5846 27.8%
41. Hari Seldon <hariseldon@trantor.it> 3 1621 26.0%
42. marKco <whitefangNonPiacemiLoSpam@tiscali.it> 3 1428 40.5%
43. Stanislao Moulinsky <Nontelodico@freemail.it> 3 548 33.2%
44. Passalento <bandieragenovese@libero.it> 3 520 55.4%
46. Aries <segnali_divita@yahoo.it> 2 548 22.1%
47. Diatron <wsgsfg@gf.f> 2 416 41.1%
48. Hottime <HotHOT2@comcast.net> 2 370 N/A
49. Gruppo Coordinamento NEWS-IT <gcn@news.nic.it> 1 2577 N/A
50. Party Girl <@@@.it> 1 2407 56.8%
51. Ultraviolet ...with a Fire <@@@.it> 1 1853 4.8%
52. Ultraviolet ...with a Fire <@@@.it> 1 1506 20.3%
53. Ultraviolet is in the hall <@@@.it> 1 1325 N/A
54. qp <qp@odyssey.net> 1 1043 17.6%
55. Ultraviolet @@@.it <@@@.it> 1 1011 26.4%
56. @@@.it 1 964 17.2%
57. AAAmelia Love <labassistaTOGLIMI@tiscali.it> 1 814 N/A
58. patrizia <patty778@hotmail.com> 1 764 65.4%
59. Musicisti Forum <musicistiforum@despammed.com> 1 739 N/A
60. Cri <independentcat@virgilio.it> 1 582 N/A
61. Alessandro Maiucchi <alessandro.maiucchi@fastwebne 1 568 39.4%
62. ZumZum <no@mail.me> 1 565 37.7%
63. zel2005 <2005nospam@email.it> 1 472 N/A
64. Lady Seldon <dorsvenabili@trantor.edu> 1 469 6.8%
65. Gianco <giancoml@libero.it> 1 460 76.5%
66. san gjuseppe jato <incaprettamenti@scioglimentinel 1 452 8.6%
67. d j i b r i l .09 <djibril@reds> 1 431 N/A
68. tipo simpatico <marywhitehouse@goandbeassfucked.co 1 409 N/A
70. Pathfinder <pathfinder@nospam.invaild> 1 227 N/A
71. Jo <i.hate.spam@ihateit.biz> 1 226 20.8%
72. Ricky <ricky.nospam@alfaguru.com> 1 215 32.6%
73. Iperboreo <iperboreo@tele2.it> 1 168 N/A
74. InHerShadow <dentromarylin@tin.it> 1 153 N/A
75. Angelo Gentile <ag@ag.com> 1 48 N/A

A total of 75 people were identified.


Toplist of original content per message
(of people who have written at least three messages)

Place Name Orig. / Msgs = PrMsg Quoted
1. Party Girl <@@@.it> 9578 / 5 = 1915 29.3%
2. Cat Girl <@@@.it> 6174 / 4 = 1543 12.9%
3. Vandario <vandario@katamail.com> 4223 / 3 = 1407 27.8%
4. Ultraviolet <@@@.it> 68819 / 49 = 1404 34.1%
5. Valerio HT <something_else_larkstongues757_163829 / 118 = 1388 27.6%
6. Dvandar <vandario@kkatamail.com> 19135 / 17 = 1125 52.5%
7. Pino Pinto <pinopinto@vene.dave.it> 30897 / 28 = 1103 18.6%
8. Ultraviolet <@@@.it> 4378 / 5 = 875 46.9%
9. cuciuzzo <pinkcuciuzzo@thewall.floyd> 3420 / 4 = 855 38.3%
10. Man - Erg <trallallero.trallalla@tin.it> 37153 / 44 = 844 27.4%
11. porky <porkyporkus@yahoo.com> 31055 / 44 = 705 24.5%
12. Filesnav2k <filesnav2k@tin.it> 6439 / 10 = 643 31.5%
13. Pentothal <carlao1979@despammed.com> 5875 / 10 = 587 61.0%
14. Seldon <hariseldon@trantor.edu> 140967 / 250 = 563 18.9%
15. mazapegul <porkyporkus@yahoo.com> 3798 / 7 = 542 13.6%
16. Anderson Council <giulio.cozzuto@fastwebnet 6573 / 13 = 505 34.9%
17. VaLeRiALL <catseyess@virgilio.it> 8335 / 18 = 463 23.9%
18. Mr Fuffa <carlao1979@despammed.com> 7383 / 17 = 434 53.9%
19. Ares <HowtoDisappear@Completely.rh> 6865 / 16 = 429 54.2%
20. Silence in the studio <byke@barrett.net> 44961 / 108 = 416 23.7%
21. Golden Hair <uffiuffi@uffi.it> 4160 / 10 = 416 24.6%
22. MrKite <r.ilardo@tin.it> 4014 / 10 = 401 36.7%
23. Hari Seldon <hariseldon@trantor.it> 1200 / 3 = 400 26.0%
24. zerothehero <attentoconquellascia@yahoo.it> 2666 / 7 = 380 30.2%
25. capitan harlock <carlao1979@despammed.com> 7396 / 20 = 369 52.5%
26. Galnick <galTOnick@libeGLIro.it> 6210 / 18 = 345 31.1%
27. Andrea-Pinky <auaua.le.dita.dal.naso@tiscal 14009 / 42 = 333 34.5%
28. Huyg <diougo@inwind.it> 29384 / 89 = 330 44.1%
29. Pask <xxx@xxx.xxx> 7145 / 22 = 324 35.9%
30. daRkSidE <daxvixde@darkside.invalid> 4105 / 13 = 315 49.4%
31. Torto <torto@pinkfloydfan.net> 4030 / 13 = 310 33.0%
32. marKco <whitefangNonPiacemiLoSpam@tiscali.i 849 / 3 = 283 40.5%
33. Brain Damage <Brain@Damage.it> 1772 / 8 = 221 21.9%
34. ZioArturone <zioarturone@people.it> 5692 / 27 = 210 37.2%
35. potasi <reilover@evangelion.com> 2640 / 13 = 203 44.0%
36. daurjax <RogerW@pinkfloydfan.net> 1168 / 6 = 194 57.4%
37. Baglio <fDOTbaglini@tin.it> 2485 / 13 = 191 60.6%
38. ThorazineShuffle <mule@libero.it> 1546 / 9 = 171 12.5%
39. Syddharta <syddhartabarrett@hotmail.com> 19468 / 117 = 166 35.1%
40. Saboldo <saboldo@hotmail.com> 637 / 5 = 127 48.5%
41. Stanislao Moulinsky <Nontelodico@freemail.i 366 / 3 = 122 33.2%
42. Verbal <NOSPAMverbal61SPAMNO@NOSPAMhotmail. 1627 / 16 = 101 63.7%
43. Passalento <bandieragenovese@libero.it> 232 / 3 = 77 55.4%
44. Dream Tea <labassistaTOGLIMI@tiscali.it> 659 / 11 = 59 81.1%


Toplist of subjects Su

Place Subject Msgs Bytes
1. E sono 2 !!!!!!!!...marò..... 260 333662
2. *_____* Il mio primo post IT !!!!!!!!!!!! 85 62813
3. OT Dialog: uscita nuova release 58 44428
4. Sondaggino (IT) scacciapensieri 55 41840
5. [TRIBUTE] Cercasi bassista FLOYDER !!! 48 30186
6. [OT] Larks' Tongues in Aspic 39 30179
7. rocker cerca amici.. 36 16223
8. E' uscito si o no? 32 22118
9. Pink Floyd e successo 32 15654
10. Mi presento e comincio male con una domanda OT... 30 23545
11. Le conoscete? 27 13706
12. [SONDAZZO] gli album piu' influenti 22 32757
13. In the march issue of Mojo... 21 6434
14. [RISULTATI!!] Ai confini della decenza 19 21808
15. [OT] Uova alle Lecciso 18 15836
16. [OT] ADSL! 18 12505
17. E Schaffner arrivò 18 12046
18. Permettetemi 18 7910
19. [OT] News.Individual.NET diventa a pagamento 17 10216
20. La verità sul Piper... 16 19166
21. american beauty 16 7387
22. E sono 2 !!!!!!!!...marò.... 13 12259
23. Sfatiamo il mito 13 10077
24. MEGA ULTRA ***OOT*** ma ci tengo a dirvelo *_* 13 8088
25. [RoIO] 22-12-1970, City Hall, Sheffield, Yorkshire, Engla 13 4781
26. Censimento 13 3803
27. Spazi interiori e spazi cosmici 12 49609
28. [Stat] Gennaio 2005 12 31928
29. Profili o Sport Fittizi? 12 8370
30. [Spam] L'Espresso... 12 4073
31. Coincidenze 11 26042
32. L'anello di Agamotto 11 3431
33. politica e pink 11 3219
34. Imparare dal vento 10 6486
35. Buone nuove 10 3674
36. Una piccola riunione 9 4118
38. Valocissima comunicazione di servizio :-) 9 3706
39. Pensate di me ciò che volete... 9 3654
40. [Mov] Set the controls for the heart of the sun 9 3190
41. [IT] Il primo Amor....... 8 6731
42. [OTxHT] Valerio :-D 8 6228
43. [SONDAGGIO] Ai confini della decenza! 8 5271
44. "I Floyd di Gilmour" su Lifegate 8 2784
45. Sondaggino (IT) scacciapensieri 7 5111
47. E sono 2 !!!!!!!!.. 7 2060
48. Inside Out - Sconto 20% 7 2000
49. [Hub] More e La vallè 6 5142
50. Stilema Errante - Update 5 2386
51. Rogerwaters.com 5 2295
52. [Nuovo dvd] Atom Heart Mother 5 1848
53. Invece di ascoltare i dischi di Wright...muovete il culo 5 1071
54. Musicisti per band ? 5 991
55. [OT] Re: E sono 2 !!!!!!!!...marò..... 4 9265
56. Sysyphus 4 8852
57. chissa' chi lo sa.... 4 2789
58. I migliori video. 4 2700
59. [OT] Fatevi 4 risate... 4 1759
60. Careful with the lyrics, Eugene (!?!?!) 4 1477
61. Scuse, saluti e feticismo floydiano 4 1119
62. umma gumma 4 893
63. La verità sul Piper 4 613
64. Rodi e dintorni. 3 5273
65. [OT] Interstellar explosion 3 4254
66. Richiesta su 3 2210
67. [audio-hub] Pissikedelic colazion is born 3 1795
68. Robbe' guarda un po'... 3 856
69. Chi ci ricorda? 3 805
70. testi di Wet Dream tradotti? 3 800
71. [RoIO] Nottingham Pop & Blues Festival 10/05/69 3 637
72. coglione,non mi hai mai sentito suonare !!! 3 491
73. [Hub] Router e modalità Active 2 3371
74. Richiesta su 2 1433
75. quasi OT forum della musica 2 857
76. [Tribute] Ringraziamenti 2 798
77. Come in Number 51 2 770
78. [LOL da a.m.p-f] Does Pink Floyd's music affect the penis 2 753
79. Atom Heart Mother: The Ultimate Critical Review 2 613
80. E poi lo fanno apposta... 2 583
81. Quello già era economico... 2 469
82. "Nuovo" libro di Nick Mason 2 464
83. [MANIFESTO] it.fan.musica.pink-floyd 1 2577
84. [OT] Schulze in Italia per VHT 1 2155
85. Ho il famoso libro finalmente.. 1 1107
86. Telefona GRATIS per 3 mesi" 1 472
87. Pictish Rants 1 433
88. Wetton, nuovo album e The Wall "all star" 1 409
89. Late home tonight 1 378
90. Una dotta citazione Phishiana 1 367
91. [OT] Sono tutti dilettanti 1 329
92. ZITTA! PUTTANAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 323
93. [OT] Rinuncia alle pretese di relativismo etico 1 247
94. [FREE!] Hookup Websites! 9ma^P' 1 185
95. [FREE!] Swingers Websites! QT5c`4Z 1 185
96. [OT] The Mars Volta - Francis The Mute 1 153
97. Take a chance to win a copy of Pink Floyd Encyclopedia 1 130
98. [OT] Re: Le conoscete? 1 102

A total of 98 subjects were identified.


Toplist of programs Su

Place Program Msgs
1. 40tude_Dialog 452
2. Microsoft Outlook Express 418
3. Forte Agent 1.93/32.576 English 115
4. MacSOUP/2.6.1
5. tin 28
6. Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 20
7. Forte Agent 2.0/32.652 12
8. www.newsland.it 10
9. Forte Free Agent 1.93/32.576 4
10. G2 2
11. www.mynewsgate.net 2
12. http: 1 /newsgroup.virgilio.it:1
13. Forte Free Agent 1
14. Pan 1
15. postamanif 1

A total of 15 different programs (not counting different versions) were identified.


Postings per weekday Su

Day Msgs
Monday 190 **************************************************
Tuesday 227 ************************************************************
Wednesday 184 ************************************************
Thursday 143 *************************************
Friday 184 ************************************************
Saturday 145 **************************************
Sunday 213 ********************************************************



Postings per hour Su

Hour Msgs
0000-0059 212 ************************************************************
0000-0059 79 *********************************************
0100-0159 39 **********************
0200-0259 10 *****
0300-0359 17 *********
0400-0459 8 ****
0500-0559 8 ****
0600-0659 3 *
0700-0759 11 ******
0800-0859 30 *****************
0900-0959 33 ******************
1000-1059 63 ************************************
1100-1159 89 **************************************************
1200-1259 72 *****************************************
1300-1359 70 ****************************************
1400-1459 74 ******************************************
1500-1559 69 ***************************************
1600-1659 82 **********************************************
1700-1759 105 ************************************************************
1800-1859 82 **********************************************
1900-1959 85 ************************************************
2000-2059 50 ****************************
2100-2159 28 ****************
2200-2259 80 *********************************************
2300-2359 99 ********************************************************