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Q: How do you reduce a pile of debt? USA Today
Tolu Adeleye has about $60,000 in debt: $35,000 in credit card debt and about $25,000 in student loans. Despite the heavy load, Adeleye regards it as money well-borrowed.
Yahoo relies on Panama revolution to lift ad revenue Australian IT
YAHOO chief executive officer Terry Semel, having failed to appease investors with a management reshuffle, may get a second chance with new ad software designed to regain ground lost to Google.
Ambitious start for Pamodzi Gold iafrica.com
Pamodzi Gold, the black-controlled junior gold producer, officially listed on Monday, and says it aims to double its production capacity to 400 000 ounces of gold per annum within a year.
iPod Success, Lenovo's Harry Potter, Affordable Memorable Gifts E-Commerce Times
The holiday season is upon us, and that often allows time for a little deep thinking, particularly given current events, about what is important and what we should be focusing on. Still, we can't forget about shopping, as much as we would like to, so I'll offer some unique gift suggestions. I'd like to start, though, with my own perspective on the success of the iPod.
Solutions: Don't use company's software in e-mails St. Petersburg Times
I use a photo program of a well-known camera company that came when I bought the camera. When I send an e-mail using the company's software, it attaches an ad that takes more than a half-page. I e-mailed the company's support about how I could eliminate the ad tagged to my e-mails.
Study of SprycelR Dasatinib or 800 Mg of GleevecR* Imatinib Mesylate Shows Patients Treated With Sprycel PR Newswire via Yahoo! Finance
Today, Bristol-Myers Squibb Company announced results of a randomized Phase II study showing that a substantial number of patients with chronic-phase chronic myelogenous leukemia resistant to Gleevec achieved cytogenetic and hematologic responses by three months and maintained these responses through one year when treated with SPRYCEL.
Is it Time to Refinance Your Car? Wellsville Daily Reporter
(ARA) - Do you end every month with barely enough cash to pay the bills, and sometimes have to tap into your savings to get by? If so, it's time to re-evaluate your spending habits.
LCD Soundsystem 45:33 Pitchfork
Fucking working out. How I hate it. How I hate stepping out the door only to come back sweaty, vaguely pissed off, and not much more in shape.
Monday's mailbag: Discovery, DNA and AJ Velo News
The Mailbag is a regular feature on VeloNews.com. If you have a comment, an opinion or observation regarding anything you have seen in cycling, in VeloNews magazine or on VeloNews.com, write to WebLetters@InsideInc.com . Please include your full name and home town .
'Storm Troopers gamesindustry.biz
Evolution Studios was previously best known for its World Rally Championship series of games for the PlayStation 2. That was before unveiling a trailer for PlayStation 3 project Motorstorm at E3 2005, where concept footage was discussed, analysed and pulled apart by critics questioning what the company could actually achieve.

Five Ways to Jump-start Your Company's Ethics
Want to make a real difference in your organization? That is going to take some hard, serious work. Here's where to start.
Starting or creating a company - How to start up or create a
Starting a company ($549.95), creating a company , forming a company or registering a company in Australia - How to start up a company, create a company,
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Startup Company Jobs - Sites that list jobs at startup companies. Also called start up and start-up companies.
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Advice and assistance for the entrepreneur, home and new business owner.
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How To: Create your own game company, Part One - Download Squad
After both of the above occur, the new game company owner proceeds to hire people if you are wanting to start a company learn the business side,
Digital Web Magazine - Building Your Own Start-up Technology
You could start your own company to create a software product and have the same amazing experience. And for people interested in the services side,
Start a Small Business - Set Up a Company - Start Ups - Insurance
Start a Small Business Guides - How to Set Up a Company in the UK. Business Plans, Banking, Insurance, Tax Guides, IR35 and much more.
Forming Company: Setting Up Company, Start-Up Company in London
Forming Limited Company, Setting-Up Private Company with Coddan, Start-Up Company in London: Limited UK company formation online, electronic company
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