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Kia named Auto Manufacturer of the Year 2007
Kia Motors has been named 'Automotive Manufacturer of the Year 2007’ by The Institute of Transport Management (ITM) in its recent report into global manufacturing processes and companies operating within the industry.
ON: Living The Dream & Branded Social Networks
Now, US car manufacturer Lincoln are uniting people online through a shared dream Other automotive news – Toyota Scion has formed an online network, AND – the manufacturer has cemented its presence in Second Life with a brand
Kia Motors named Global Automotive Manufacturer of the Year 2007
(SEOUL) December 6, 2006 -- Kia Motors has been named 'Global Automotive Manufacturer of the Year 2007' by the UK's Institute of Transport Management (ITM) in its recent report into global manufacturing processes and companies operating
The Most UNKNOWN Car Manufacturers
The american magazine Forbes has recently published a list of the most unknown car manufacturers list. Israeli company Automotive Industries was founded in 1966. It produces a military land-rover Desert Raider and a small jeep Storm.
Mercedes and the Wolf and Mercedes Technology Part Four: smart
No longer ladies and psychologists at Automobile Magazine named no wonder, over after the automotive "Best of Mercedes-Benz of commercial vehicles is the road, No longer than ever because Mercedes my car manufacturer to a 20.8
Vehicle Warranty Denied?
EPA: 202/233-9040; NHTSA: 800/424-9393; Chiltons: 610/964-4600; AllData: 916/684-5200; Motor Publications: 800/426-6897; American Automobile Manufacturers Association: 313/872-4311; Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association:
Tips For Keeping Up With Automotive Recalls
Unfortunately, many of these individuals never check to see if the problem was due to a recall and end up paying for a repair that might be free or discounted by the automobile manufacturer. So, armed with this knowledge the next time
F1 Future: Race on Sunday, Sell on Monday?
From an automobile manufacturers’ point-of-view, F1’s value has also created value through its contribution to the company’s technological research and development. Obviously, it’sa bit of a stretch to connect F1 with the “race on
The Diesels are Coming! The Diesels are Coming!
But one European automotive tradition has not made the journey to our shores: At least not yet, but wait … there’s more, much more automotive retailers need Mercedes-Benz, the first car manufacturer to produce a diesel-equipped
Innovation Centre for a Car Manufacturer
My next project coming up starts my 5th year at Bath Uni, and it is to design an 'Innovation Centre for a Car Manufacturer/Automotive Studio in an Urban Setting'. Basically a design studio for car designers coming up with eco-friendly
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