Pcalchemy Chooses New Gyration Media Center Remote as Standard Equipment PR Web Pcalchemy is now bundling Gyrations's new Media Center Remote as standard equipment with all Alchemy Series Media Centers. This universal 4-1 (3 IR home entertainment devices + 1 RF PC) Remote Control is the first RCU to embed the Gyration MG1101 MicroGyro for motion sensing, in-air control of a floating cursor. This gives MCE users mouse-like cursor control capability without requiring a flat Pcalchemy Chooses New Gyration Media Center Remote as Standard Equipment PR Web via Yahoo! News San Marcos, California (PRWEB) November 22, 2006 -- Pcalchemy is now bundling Gyrations's new Media Center Remote as standard equipment with all Alchemy Series Media Centers. PR Newswire Summary of Technology Copy, Nov. 20, 2006 SYS-CON Media Following is a summary of high technology news releases mitted today by PR Newswire. The full text of these releases is available at the PR Newswire for Journalists, http://media.prnewswire.com/. Microsoft Sits On Linux Dilemma Of Its Own Making InformationWeek When Microsoft signed a patent agreement with Novell, owner of Suse Linux, it thrust itself onto the horns of a dilemma. It seemed to be saying that Linux contains patent exposures. If you're a Linux user, Microsoft may sue you for using its intellectual property, unless you use Suse. Alain Pinel Realtors Announces Sale of Sunset’s ‘Idea’ House of Innovation Real Estate News The Alamo home is the first “House of Innovation” for the sponsoring magazines and the builder Runtime ships Galaxy 1.5 MacNN Runtime Revolution's Galaxy 1.5 is a high productivity alternative add-on environment or core replacement IDE for Runtime Revolution. Galaxy 1.5 ships with 9 new components and 31 new features, extending the Revolution environment with highly robust and productive replacements for core IDE components. Galaxy is a design environment for reducing com 'Second Life' faces threat to its virtual economy COMMUNICATION ZDNet India Groups of Second Life content creators were gathering digitally Tuesday to protest the dissemination of a program they worry could badly damage the virtual world's nascent economy. Make Java and .NET apps talk to each other using Web services CIOL This tutorial discusses, indepth, the process to create a Web service in .Net and Java, which will be consumed across. AOL unveils latest AIM COMMUNICATION ZDNet India AOL was set to unveil on Wednesday its latest instant messaging client, AIM 6.0, which lets people send messages to offline users to receive later and allows people to log and save conversations. AM2 5000+ And ASUS M5N SLI 32 REVIEWS ZDNet India AMD has moved to the newer DDR2 memory with its new 90 nm, Fab 30 plant in Dresden, Germany. AM2 5000+ And ASUS M5N SLI 32 REVIEWS AMD has moved to the newer DDR2 memory with its new 90 nm, Fab 30 plant in Dresden, Germany. The new AM2s are 940-pin processors, up one pin from the older 939 series.
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