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Part-Time Business Requires Full-Time Effort Impressions Magazine
Part-time decorating takes persistence and prioritizing … and, at times, more than 35-hour workweeks.
Column: Part-time Legislature without term limits tops Christmas wish list MLive.com
Part-time in everything but name -- and pay -- Michigan's lawmakers retire for the year this week to take another long holiday, having completed little useful work. They leave behind a big pile of unfinished business.
DA's new flex time unit Newsday
Nassau's new Early Case Assessment Bureau is more than just an opportunity for prosecutors to look at cases sooner - for District Attorney Kathleen Rice, it is a chance to redeem herself to some of the people she angered when she eliminated a dozen part-time positions earlier this year.
Wright picked as part-time police chief Wise County Messenger
Newark officially has a police chief. The city council voted Thursday night to hire Gerald Wright as part-time police chief. The position will require 20–25 hours of work per week with net pay of $1,200 a month, said city secretary Sherry Edgemon.
Part 2: What Will '07 Bring for Key Sectors? BusinessWeek
S&P Ratings sizes up prospects for industry groups in the coming year. Part 2 includes a look at media & entertainment, oil & gas, and retailers
Calling All Corpses: Dead Popular on Prime Time NPR
Weekend Edition Sunday , December 10, 2006 · The number of corpses on prime time television is on the rise -- and it presents a challege for TV's casting directors. Playing the part isn't easy. It requires more than just holding your breath and being able to stay still for a long time.
Ahead of the Bell: Time Warner Inc. AP via Yahoo! Finance
Shares of Time Warner Inc. jumped in premarket trading, after a Prudential analyst said the stock is likely to soon move higher due to strong potential for improvements of the media conglomerate's cable division margins.
Potent "Sleeper Cell" sequel a timely thriller Reuters via Yahoo! News
Quick, will someone check to see if Saudi Arabia is on the Showtime payroll? As if part of some incredibly ingenious marketing plan for Showtime's eight-hour sequel miniseries, "Sleeper Cell: American Terror," the desert kingdom recently rounded up 139 alleged sleeper cell members. News reports said they had links to al-Qaida and were nabbed in the nick of time.
Part-time service is also employment The Hindu
Whether the remuneration is on an hourly basis or monthly basis, such remuneration can only be inferred to be from employment taxable under the head "salaries".
Nissan plans fuel-cell car for early 2010s as part of environmental strategy CP via Yahoo! Canada News
TOKYO (AP) - Nissan Motor Co. announced plans Monday to launch a next-generation fuel cell vehicle in the early 2010s in Japan and North America as part of its mid-term environmental strategy.

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Looking for part time jobs? Start your job search at CareerBuilder, the leader in job search sites, and access hundreds of thousands of jobs today.
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Maternità in part time, lavoro interinale, formazione lavoro, tempo determinato e collaborazioni coordinate e continuative (Co.Co.Co)
Part Time Business Opportunities Part Time Businesses
Part Time Business Opportunities Online Directory of Part Time Businesses.
Fondazione CUOA Master of Business Administration
L'MBA part time è rivolto a professionisti. Sviluppa competenze manageriali e tecniche gestionali di aree funzionali e processi aziendali.
Part Time Australian Job Search Casual, temporary and part time jobs
Search for casual, temporary and part time jobs across Australia. Work that's available when you are. Job seekers are able to search for jobs by industry,
Studenti part time Ca' Foscari
Corsi per studenti part time · Segreterie studenti · Ser amministrativi per studenti part time · Link esterno a www.unive.it Studenti part-time Economia
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