Laurie David: Crooked Curriculum: Oil Company Money Scandal at Nat New evidence flatly contradicts statements NSTA has made in defense of its suspect partnerships, and efforts appear to be underway to wipe out online evidence showing that what the oil industry got in exchange was the group's imprimatur KENNEDYS, BUSHES and OIL: Public Interest vs. Self Interest According to former Congressman Joseph Kennedy, III, son of Robert Kennedy, and CEO of Citizens' Energy, this was the first time in the twenty-five year history of Citizens' Energy that the company was ever offered discounted oil. Oil for Sale: Iraq Study Group Recommends Privatization This past July, US Energy Secretary Bodman announced in Baghdad that senior US oil company executives would not enter Iraq without passage of the new law. Petroleum Economist magazine later reported that US oil companies put passage of Oil Production Statistics "Studied inaction on this front stems from the coziness between the administration and big oil. Investigations into that relationship are a sure win for the Democrats. Just lining up oil company executives under the hot lights – much Algeria bomb targets oil workers BBC: One man has died and nine others have been injured in a roadside bomb attack beside two buses carrying oil company workers in Algeria. The dead man was said to be Algerian. The nine hurt included three Britons, an American, An Essay on Peak Oil in Hawaii The study of Peak Oil is finally hitting main stream. Last week I saw a Chevron commercial about Peak Oil-- of course it was with the usual oil company spin (we're in good hands because Chevron is looking out for our best interests). Oil company mug PEMEX, Mexico's national oil company, gave a promotional mug to their employees and friends. It is one of those mugs that changes color when it gets hot. When cold, the mug displays a landscape with trees and a hill of some kind in all Holly Corporation Board of Directors Approves Capital Spending The new units could also be essential elements of a proposed project, which is currently under study by the Company, in which the Navajo Refinery would increase crude oil processing capacity from the 85000 bpd level expected to be PM Group hit by "Pay by Weight" delay Haulage companies THE National Oil Company of Zimbabwe (Noczim) has warned petroleum companies that Mozambican authorities might soon impose road levies on Zimbabwean fuel tankers passing through that country from Beira due to the damage the vehicles Oil and gas Vacancy; Rig Doctor To enhance medical service of a prime oil and gas company, a support company is seeking a professional to filling out following position : RIG DOCTOR to be placed in offshore Java Sea operational area with qualifications are as follow :
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