Corrections & Clarifications USA Today USA TODAY is committed to accuracy. To reach us, contact Reader Editor Brent Jones at 1-800-872-7073 or e-mail Please indicate whether you are responding to content online or in the newspaper. BJ's Wholesale Club Rolls Out Glittering E-commerce Site Progressive Grocer DECEMBER 06, 2006 -- NATICK, Mass. -- BJ's Wholesale Club here has introduced its first online shopping site with a memorable item for discriminating holiday shoppers: a 41-carat diamond necklace priced at a mere $249,999.99. Sewing up 'The Dress' In Suite 31A of the Waldorf-Astoria, Gillian Sleight is deciding what brides will wear next spring. Could it be the Ines Di Santo "Mar" dress - strapless silk peau de soie with beaded appliques at the bust? "Gillian, I think this is a must," says Veronica Di Santo, the designer's daughter. 30,000-store wholesale mall keeps Chinese competitive / Buyers come from small shops or big stores like Wal-Mart San Francisco Chronicle After 19 hours on a hard-seat train ride from Beijing, Zhao Taishan stood in the cold drizzle waiting for the mall doors to open. The boyish-looking 45-year-old had come here, as he does every November, to buy items for his sporting goods business. He Megamall illustrates China's modern economic power Boston Globe YIWU, China -- After 19 hours on a hard-seat train ride from Beijing, Zhao Taishan stood in the cold drizzle waiting for the mall doors to open. Plastic clamshell wrap leaves shoppers steaming Inside Bay Area THERE'S A PART of Christmas morning that Tiffany Seay dreads: getting everything out of its packaging. The twisties. The tape. The hard plastic ties, like handcuffs for dolls. Slight decline in prices of some essentials Financial Express Prices of edible oil at the wholesale level, ginger, green chilli and onion declined slightly while the prices of other essential commodities remained unchanged in the city markets over the past week. Kegler's Korner: Get the professional experience with a sport league Terre Haute Tribune-Star You may have seen this week that DirecTV will offer NASCAR fans an opportunity to watch an entire race from the driver’s perspective in all their races next season. Subscribers will have access to five channels for five different drivers, which will change every week. This feature debuts with the Daytona 500 in February.Well, bowling — always on the cutting edge — has already taken this one step Have yourself a natural Christmas Daily Record Anyone can buy a wreath. But to find one that radiates the colors and fragrance of real herbs and flowers, that takes a little more time. Not all toys are plastic or electronic. Look, if your thepla, mathia packet has a label! Indian Express via Yahoo! India News CALL it the manufacturer's negligence or the buyer's 'who cares' attitude. But labelling on many packaged food items is given a go-by. Regularly. What worries one is that the consumer never knows if what he is going to eat is safe! The Weights and Measures Act, 1976 says non-labelling of the product is an offence. The Act says labelling means details like the manufacturer's name, address,
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