What's 'Over-The-Horizon' for Comtech Telecom? SeekingAlpha via Yahoo! Finance David Phillips submits: Sleepwalking through most of the spring, shares of Comtech Telecommunications awoke in June 2006, and have jumped about 50% in value after the telecom-equipment maker raised its guidance outlook . Coup, what coup? Some tourists in Fiji see the up side AFP via Yahoo! News Along Fiji's Coral Coast, the empty deckchairs and silent restaurants point to the disastrous impact of the military coup on the tourism industry -- the lifeblood of the South Pacific nation's economy. Blight of light taking a toll on health and wasting billions each year Sun-Sentinel Back when Central Florida didn't have nearly as many roads and buildings that needed illumination, the night sky was dark enough that people could look up and see the dusty bands of the Milky Way. Light Blight Sun-Sentinel The glut of artificial light at night takes a toll on health and wastes billions of dollars each year. Obtaining land for connector result of cooperation CentralOhio.com When farmer Les Imboden first discussed Ross County's plans to put a highway through a farm he was considering buying, it almost scared him away. "I think the idea of having a thruway going through the land scared a lot of other people too," Imboden said. Light Blight Orlando Sentinel The glut of artificial light at night takes a toll on health and wastes billions of dollars each year. Back when Central Florida didn't have nearly as many roads and buildings that needed illumination, the night sky was dark enough that people could look up and see the dusty bands of the Milky Way. Obtaining land for connector result of cooperation Chillicothe Gazette When farmer Les Imboden first discussed Ross County's plans to put a highway through a farm he was considering buying, it almost scared him away. Coup? What coup, ask Fiji tourists iafrica.com Despite the empty deckchairs and waves of cancellations, tourists who have visited Fiji despite the recent military coup have been left wondering what all the fuss is about, says David Brooks. Tough Times for Transit Workers Gotham Gazette Though it happened a year ago, the 60-hour it strike of 2005 is still very much alive for the members of Transport Workers Union Local 100. --They await the findings of a state arbitration panel on the terms of their new contract, terms that, under state labor law, they must accept. Discipline plan praised at Sylacauga middle school Montgomery Advertiser Gary Rivers, assistant principal at Nichols-Lawson Middle School in Sylacauga, believes his school is a safe place that is free from the threat of physical harm to its faculty and students.
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