2-YEAR DEAL: Office Depot wins state supply deal The Charlotte Observer State officials awarded a new office supplies contract to Office Depot Thursday, an agreement in which the company dropped its price by about $900,000 a year from its current deal. Databank Fort Worth Star-Telegram Building permits and sales tax accounts Ring in the New Year with friends Telegraph Q: I'd like to have a New Year's Eve party this year, but I need some ideas and inspiration. Can you help? - Barbara Roy, Chicago What's going on with gas prices around the country? Ridgecrest Daily Independent Will the rising cost of gas stop you from driving? What is it doing to the auto market - would you buy an SUV? Chandler: Local artwork showcased for holidays San Jose Mercury News Now you see it; later you won't. A formerly vacant spot downtown near San Jose State University has been formed into this year's Holiday Gallery of Gifts, a glittering temporary showcase of items created by Silicon Valley artists. Aero-News: Quote Of The Day 12.09.06 The Aero-News Network "The weather is the weather. The shuttle is a difficult, fragile machine. It has enormous capabilities, but it's fragile." Source: NASA Administrator Michael Griffin commenting on the agency's decision to postpone Thursday night's scheduled launch of the shuttle Discovery because of poor weather. It would have marked the first night launch for the shuttle in four years. US Pilots Lepore And Paladino Charged Before Leaving Brazil The Aero-News Network ExcelAire Pilots Face Possible Prison Term Brazil's federal police today charged two US pilots involved in a mid-air collision last September suspected of bringing down a Gol Airlines 737 in the Amazon jungle. Former Boeing Employee Plea Bargains To Avoid Jail The Aero-News Network Accepts 'Obstruction' Charge Instead Of 'Conspiracy' Former Boeing Engineer Kenneth Branch plea bargained a deal with prosecutors to avoid jail time in a case involving a rivalry between Boeing and Lockheed for the USAF's Evolved Expendable Vehicle Launch (EELV) program. It's Not Just A Flight -- It's An Adventure! The Aero-News Network Mexicana Passengers Deal With Rare Event It seems passengers on airlines these days are being called on to deal with all sorts of situations. Turbulence, terrorists, shrinking knee room, unruly passengers, bad or no meals, flatulence it's a real jungle up there. ANN's Daily Aero-Linx 12.09.06 The Aero-News Network Aero-Linx! Today's Aero-Linx site is courtesy of an Aero-News reader. The Official Museum of the United States Air Force is located near Dayton (OH).
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