Shop for the best credit-card deal, and make it work for you Baltimore Sun This is not exactly a bold prediction: You probably will add to your credit-card debt this holiday season. Credit card firms slam RBA review AAP via Yahoo!7 Finance The top two credit card companies have slammed a Reserve Bank plan to review Australia's card payments systems. Survey of Best Credit Cards for Holiday Shopping is Released by PR Web via Yahoo! News Brooklyn, NY (PRWeb) December 11, 2006 -- More consumers than ever are planning to use credit cards as the preferred payment method for holiday gift purchases this year according to a survey by Credit-Land. Survey of Best Credit Cards for Holiday Shopping is Released by Business Wire via Yahoo! Finance BROOKLYN, N.Y.----More consumers than ever are planning to use credit cards as the preferred payment method for holiday gift purchases this year according to a survey by Survey of Best Credit Cards for Holiday Shopping is Released by PR Web Gift shopping for holidays can be a rewarding experience with wise use of credit cards. ranked top credit cards for holiday shopping. (PRWeb Dec 11, 2006) Post Comment:Trackback URL: Financial Mail - Stop borrowing Financial Mail I have been pre-approved for five different credit cards in the past two months, none of which I applied for. I have also received one call a week on my cellphone offering me a credit card, co-sponsored by various airlines and medical aids, among others. The Best Lifetime Balance Transfer Credit Cards via Yahoo! UK & Ireland Finance If you don't like the hassle of introductory 0% credit card deals, a 'lifetime balance fer' is your next best option. Get off that holiday spending roller coaster El Paso Times With just two weeks left until Christmas, you should stay organized, stick to your holiday budget and do some comparison shopping. Those are some key ways to keep control of your finances and avoid running up credit-card debt during the winter holidays, experts say. Holiday Bills Piling Up? Refinancing Your Car Puts Extra Cash in Your Pocket Evening Times (ARA) - The holidays are a wonderful time of year. Co-workers are in a good mood, the family is happy, even cashiers in the stores are more friendly than usual. Unfortunately, the warm, fuzzy feelings seem to last only until the credit card bills from the holiday shopping sprees start to trickle in. Doing the credit card shuffle WorldNetDaily Is it a good idea to fer your credit card balance to another card that has a lower interest rate? I've got a $2,500 balance on my current card, and I'm hoping it will help me save some money as I try to get out of debt.
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