Articles of Interest 12-10-06 legislature to pursue universal health insurance coverage in his state. Romney's scheme is easily the most ambitious health care reform effort since the failed Clinton Facts About Heart Fluttering the appropriate investigations if heart fluttering is associated with blackouts. About the Author: For more information on heart fluttering you can check out Article Source: Obesity Linked To Increased Kidney Disease Risk In Type 1 Diabetes Main Category: Obesity / Weight Loss / Fitness News Article Date: 11 Dec 2006 - 0:00am For patients with type 1 diabetes, obesity is an important risk factor for the development of diabetic kidney disease, Comment Cordis Corporation Announces Clinical And Educational Programs For Main Category: Cardiovascular / Cardiology News Article Date: 11 Dec 2006 - 0:00am Cordis Corporation stated to an advisory panel to the US Food and Drug Administration that analysis of its research on the Comment With electronic health records, it's the privacy piece Last week, the New York Times ran a very interesting and informative article on electronic health records (Health Hazard: Computers Spilling Your History - New York Times). The article confirms what I've believed for some time: the Episode 8: Celebrating Jimmy’s Personal Top Ten Low-Carb Web Sites What an honor it was to be listed among some of the most highly-respected health blogs around! You can find a link to this article in the show notes section at I am so grateful for the exposure to the work I am GOPUSA ILLINOIS Daly Clips - December 11, 2006 (FROM THE ARTICLE: Talk about speaking into a vacuum -- the Institute for Truth in fiscally and restore the health of the state to attract business here. Illinois to get health-care boost Hospitals to receive $1.8 billion in Week of Dec 4 [Continued in the article] ~ ~ Related page: nurturing mental health : films / filmmaking - includes quotes about specific films, plus lists of articles & books You can also get entertaining and inspiring DVDs through subscription MHM# 164 Out of Control Spending Today I report on a survey of over 2000 people designed to find out how prevalent compulsive shopping is in the US society. You probably already know the answer, but give a listen anyway. Amercian Journal of Psychiatry Article Abstract [Original Article] Health-related job loss: findings from a Incidence rates were calculated for first health-related loss of a job that had been held for a year Future research should focus on the minority of workers who leave a job for health reasons and do not rapidly return to further work
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