Shamu Attacks Trainer
The press release from Dan Stockdale, exotic animal trainer: His survival of this incident is a testament to the training protocols, animal-trainer relationships and safety measures that are in place at Sea World.
Day 96 - Lovin the vibe
We finished up the course for the Certified Natural Trainer at about 12:30 and then everyone just hung out all day long… That is all training for the show is all about finding out what feels good in my body
Hallelujah, it has arrived!
After some additional digging, I found out that the Jewelcrafting trainer is in the It’s similar to Darkshore, but instead of a dark and foreboding vibe, But luckily I managed to find the Jewelcrafting trainer and I was able to
From Mitzy's Mom, in post RE: I want to be an Alpha Male.
It IS the "vibe" that Cesar has.I'ma horse trainer and I do the same thing with horses, it's just different things I'm teaching but still I have to be "alpha" or herd leader. Also, with the physical correction - some things are ok
Lions’ Kevin Jones faces long recovery after foot surgery
Jones was injured late in Sunday’s 30-20 loss to the Minnesota Vikings. Lions trainer Al Bellamy confirmed that Jones suffered a Lisfranc injury, a tearing of the tissues that connect [
Personal Training
I have a personal trainer now. It's not how I pictured. My current personal trainer isn't getting me to exercise per se, but he is waking me up in the morning. Perhaps I'm giving off a nursing-mom vibe or something.
Warning! Novel!
vibe. Contacts + Tight bun in hair + Small stature = Child. already asked other employees about the "new trainer" before they figured out who I was. Then he saw me standing in the training ring wraping a leash before a class,
KeyBoard Coaching
He’s so young yet, if he hired a good personal trainer to work with him on his One good, hard offseason of training could see him finishing a lot more with the positive vibe his presence draws from the smitten Garden crowd.
Jason Williams out with concussion, cut
Athletic trainer Piet Van Zant said Williams had a slight concussion and “significant cut on his forehead, so it’s going to take some time to heal before he’s going to want to put a helmet on.
Las Ramblas
1) Met with the trainer for the first time today. I do like her, a lot. for the slightly lower price I paid Bally's last year-I got 1 hour training sessions that focused on arms, It has that 60s midst-of-Cold-War vibe to it.
vibe+trainer: vibe+trainer