Medicine in 2006 - Time magazine
Time Magazine selected significant events in Medicine in 2006. It includes topics like breast cancer, effects of prayer, Laughter, Wealth and mobiles on health, research on diabetes and cancer and depression. Must read article
TIME Magazine: Life in the Googleplex photographs
This is a TIME Magazine 'photo essay' from earlier this year. It's a showcase of what life is like inside Google HQ. I want to work at Google
Why Time Magazine’s Person of the Year isn’t exactly “You”…
If you don’t have a copy of the latest Time Magazine, you can read about it here or catch the Time Magazine editor’s earlier call for votes on Youtube. Tags: personoftheyear, time, magazine, you, crowdsourcing, who, spoof, me
Chavez Wins "Person of the Year" Poll Time Magazine Ignores Result
[The British solidarity organisation, Hands Off Venezuela, report on how despite the fact that Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez won Time magazine's "Person of the Year" poll, he was not chosen as its "Person of the Year". --Ed]
UFC Fight Night 9: Set for March, Florian vs. Mishima
For those of you who don’t know, TIME Magazine recently named “You” as its Person of the Year as a way to reward bloggers, forum posters, YouTube users and other Web surfers for embracing 21st-century communication tools and creatively
Time Magazine puts the PS3 in the "5 Things that went from Buzz to
The latest Time Magazine puts the PS3 as one of the five things this year that started with high buzz, but ended up a bust. From the article: "This time Sony bet on a chip called the Cell and a disc format called Blu-ray.
Time Magazine Person of the Year — It's You
Thib writes to point out that Time Magazine has picked you — or us, or the Internet — as Person of the Year because you control the Information Age. From the article: "But look at 2006 through a different lens and you'll see another
Hey, Time, the honor is all mine.
But I’m taking this public opportunity to thank Time Magazine for naming me “Person of the Year.” You know, normally it would have been an honor just to be nominated, but this year the judges at Time Magazine bestowed on me (and about
Bechdel’s “Fun Home” Is Time Magazine’s Book Of The Year
The top spot on Time Magazine’s “books of the year” list:. ALISON BECHDEL, FUN HOME The unlikeliest literary success of 2006 is a stunning memoir about a girl growing up in a small town with her cryptic, perfectionist dad and slowly
TIME magazine deems PS3 a bust
TIME magazine rounds up the five "phenomena" on the year that captivated the media momentarily before ultimately going bust on the hype. The PS3 shares the not-so spotlight next to Bode Miller, Studio 60, Fox TV's canceled If I Did It
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