our 2006 holiday letter -- long version
Teresa, came out from Oregon to visit for her birthday, and Adam’s parents were able to It was downright scary, and had I not been in the best health of my life, I may not have It is the best health insurance you can have!
December 18, 2006 - Will Oregon establish a Statewide Health
Will Oregon establish a Statewide Health Insurance Program for School Districts during the 2007 Legislature? Speaker #1: Pro - Jim Sager, 10 minutes to speak to the pro-side from the Governor's point of view. Speaker #2: Pro - Senator
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WIll Oregon Lead the Nation?
First, on December 10th a commission of the Oregon state Senate announced a draft bill intended to result in health insurance coverage for all Oregonians. Then, on the 13th Senator Ron Wyden, Democrat from Oregon, announced a plan he
Health Care: A step in the right direction
Oregon Sen. Ron Wyden is readying a proposal to provide health care coverage to all Americans through a pool of private insurance plans. "Employer-based coverage is melting away like a Popsicle on the sidewalk in August," said Wyden,
Around the Pac Ten Blogs
Oregon State played them, and narrowly lost to them in Corvallis on Sunday. Washington suffered the injury against Oregon on Nov.11 and is still not 100 Is Oregon a basketball school again? The Duck's are also reeling in the
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Thousands of Oregonians lack health insurance
Seventeen percent of Oregonians did not have health insurance in 2004, would allow those who are able to have private health insurance do so while providing Many of them do not qualify for coverage under the Oregon Health Plan,
Oregon on the Road to Universal Health Care
An Oregon State Senate panel yesterday backed a proposal for Universal Health Care in which individuals and employers would contribute to a pool which all residents of Oregon would be granted access to. Private insurance companies would
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