Web 'safe' mark may elude new merchants AP via Yahoo! News
As an online shopper, Claudia Race knows she must look out for scams. So as an Internet entrepreneur working out of her home in New Braunfels, Texas, Race wants to use all the tools available to assure customers they can trust the vacation-rentals service she is about to launch.
Small e-tailers may not get 'safe' mark AP via Yahoo! News
As an online shopper, Claudia Race knows she must look out for scams.
Web \'safe\' mark may elude new merchants Sharewatch
But because her small business is so new, Race said she might not qualify for the online seals of approval that Inc. and other larger, established companies are getting to instruct Microsoft Corp.\'s Internet Explorer browser to display a green address bar for \"safe\" when people visit her site.
Small sellers have label woes Florida Today
Smaller merchants may have trouble getting 'safe' mark under program coming to Web.
Middle school principal Rominski announces retirement Winsted-Lester Prairie Journal
A long-time fixture at Delano Middle School announced his plan to retire at last Monday’s Delano School Board meeting. Richard Rominski, who has been principal of the middle school for 21 years, expects to retire at the end of June 2007.
Golden Girl: Resident first female on elite freefall team The Rowlett Lakeshore Times
Jumping out of a perfectly good airplane is not crazy to Angela Nichols. It’s common place.
Study Identifies Characteristics Of Fast-growing Skin Cancers Science Daily
Melanomas (skin cancers) are more likely to grow rapidly if they are thicker, symmetrical, elevated, have regular borders or have symptoms, according to a report in the December issue of Archives of Dermatology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals. In addition, rapidly progressing melanoma is more likely to occur in elderly men and individuals with fewer moles and freckles, and its cells tend to
Building a Solid Future Washington Post
Adrywall knife in one hand and a hammer on his hip, Angelo Green was all smiles as he sanded the edges of a too-long piece of drywall.
END of an ERA Lancaster Online
When Beverly Breniser took over as principal of Penn Johns Elementary in 1984, the students who filed into the two-room schoolhouse each morning were all Amish and Old Order Mennonite.
CEO of Imaging Diagnostic Systems Inc., A Breast-Imaging Technology Company, Featured in Exclusive Interview With RedNova
NEW YORK, Dec. 21 /PRNewswire/ -- On December 18, Tim Hansen, Chief Executive Officer for Imaging Diagnostic Systems, Inc. (BULLETIN BOARD: IMDS) updated the investment community in an exclusive interview with .

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