Many in state lack health insurance Montgomery Advertiser
Approximately 14 percent of adult Alabamians don't have health insurance, a total of some 440,000 people, according to a new survey released locally this week.
Star Casualty Insurance Company Earns an Initial A.M. Best Rating of B++ SYS-CON Media
A.M. Best Company, the leading independentevaluator of the nation's insurance industry, has awarded Star CasualtyInsurance Company of Coral Gables an initial rating of B++. In addition,Best assigned a 'stable' outlook for 2007. Star Casualty is a domesticproperty and casualty company that writes private passenger automobileinsurance across Florida.
Volunteers sought to help Medicare recipients Bradenton Herald
Donna Wright Health Matters Florida's Department of Elder Affairs needs volunteers to help Medicare recipients navigate the system.
S. Florida's delegation snags surprising power in Democratic Congress Sun-Sentinel
WASHINGTON · The Democratic takeover of Congress next year has propelled young and junior members from South Florida into positions of surprising influence on Capitol Hill.
Bush legacy: jobs, homes, science -- and insurance bills Daytona Beach News-Journal
-- Good ones, like almost 1.4 million more jobs in Florida now than when he took office. And a jobless rate that hit an all-time low of 3 percent during his tenure. It's a touch higher now, but still well below the national rate.
President signs measure extending sales tax deduction for Floridians on 1040s Sun-Sentinel
President Bush on Wednesday revived 20 tax breaks, including the popular itemized deduction that one out of four Florida taxpayers has used to write off state sales taxes.
Highlights from Gov. Bush's 8 years in office Tallahassee Democrat
Jan. 5 - Sworn in as Florida's 43rd governor.
Bush built powerful legacy Florida Today
Observers say Jeb Bush's legacy will be as the most powerful governor in Florida history, an accolade attributable to his leadership style and strength of ideas.
Tiny tot has big wish at Christmas Collier Citizen
Anna Cowan is feisty. And tomorrow she’ll be five. That’s an amazing thing given the incredible health problems the little East Naples’ girl has had to endure since birth. Born five weeks premature, Anna became the youngest person in Florida and the fifth youngest in the U.S. to receive a double lung plant at just three months of age.
Bush economy legacy: jobs, homes, science -- and insurance bills 7 News Miami
TALLAHASSEE, Fla. -- What happened to Florida's economy on Gov. Jeb Bush's eight-year watch could be told by numbers:

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Vista Health Plans offers a choice of health benefit plans, including health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO) and
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Florida - Health Insurance - American Diabetes Association
The following information details health insurance and assistance programs available to uninsured people in Florida. If you currently have health insurance
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Provides health insurance quotes for individual, family, and group coverage in the United States, including Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia,
Health Insurance Guide for Consumers, Florida Edition
TO GETTING AND KEEPING HEALTH INSURANCE IN FLORIDA. as of January 2006. The new version is available now in printable PDF format -- download it here.
Health Guide 2004-05
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