Aging Driven By Buildup Of Damaged DNA In Cells Medical News Today
The accumulation of genetic damage in our cells is a major contributor to how we age, according to a study being published in the journal Nature by an international group of researchers. The study found that mice completely lacking a critical gene for repairing damaged DNA grow old rapidly and have physical, genetic and hormonal profiles very similar to mice that grow old naturally. [click link
Why Are Danes The World's Happiest Nation? Science Daily
Earlier this year, Denmark came top in a world map of happiness (the UK ranked 41st out of 178 nations). And for more than 30 years it has ranked first in European satisfaction surveys. So what makes Danes so content? Researchers in this week's Christmas issue of the British Medical Journal decided to find out why life satisfaction in Denmark substantially exceeds that in Sweden and Finland, the
Buildup Of Damaged DNA In Cells Drives Aging Science Daily
A study published in the journal Nature found that mice completely lacking a critical gene for repairing damaged DNA grow old rapidly and have physical, genetic and hormonal profiles very similar to mice that grow old naturally. Furthermore, the premature aging symptoms of the mice led to the discovery of a new type of human progeria, a rare inherited disease in which affected individuals age
Marks restores darkness to the vampire genre The Buffalo News
John Marks has written the best vampire novel since Anne Rice published "Interview With The Vampire." Full disclosure time: I wrote my senior thesis on how Bram Stoker revolutionized the vampire archetype.
Trans Fat Ban: Watch Saturated Fats And Calories Too Science Daily
The New York City fat ban is a step in the right direction, but the regulation that requires some restaurants to display calories as prominently as price is just as important. Also missing in the discussion? Replacing fat will saturated fat would be problematic.
Buildup of damaged DNA in cells drives aging PhysOrg
The accumulation of genetic damage in our cells is a major contributor to how we age, according to a study being published today in the journal Nature by an international group of researchers. The study found that mice completely lacking a critical gene for repairing damaged DNA grow old rapidly and have physical, genetic and hormonal profiles very similar to mice that grow old naturally.
With Computers, Astronomers Show Predicted Present Day Distribution Of Elusive First Stars Science Daily
With the help of enormous computer simulations, astronomers have now shown that the first generation of stars --- which have never been observed by scientists --- should be distributed evenly throughout our galaxy, deepening the long-standing mystery about these missing stellar ancestors. The results are published in this week's issue of the Astrophysical Journal.
Giant Sauropod Dinosaur Found In Spain Science Daily
Fossils of a giant Sauropod, found in Teruel Spain, reveal that Europe was home to giant dinosaurs in the Late Jurassic period -- about 150 million years ago. Giant dinosaurs have previously been found mainly in the New World and Africa.
Golf: Teens Get Shot at the Big Time ; The Boom Times for Golf in the North-East Continue. Tim Taylor Reports on the RedNova
By Tim Taylor TWO teenagers from Northumberland, Ami Storey and James Curry, will further their ambitions next year by playing American college golf, a training ground with a proven success rate.
Buildup of damaged DNA in cells drives aging EurekAlert!
PITTSBURGH, Dec. 20 – The accumulation of genetic damage in our cells is a major contributor to how we age, according to a study being published today in the journal Nature by an international group of researchers.

The European Physical Journal C
The European Physical Journal C (EPJ C) is a merger of Il Nuovo Cimento A and Zeitschrift für Physik C. ISSN (print edition): 1434-6044
The European Physical Journal D
The European Physical Journal D (EPJ D) originates from the merging of Cooperation between The European Physical Journal and HAL (Hyper Article on Line)
Biblioteca SNS. Periodici elettronici
European Physical Journal. B, Condensed Matter and Complex Systems, EDP Sciences European Physical Journal. D, Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics
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Periodico:, The European physical journal D (EPJ D). presente presso:. Document delivery - Biblioteche degli Istituti dell'Area della Ricerca di Padova
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Periodico:, The European Physical Journal. B: Condensed Matter Physics. presente presso:. Document delivery - Biblioteca dell'Istituto di Fisica Applicata
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Supersymmetry parameter analysis: SPA convention and project
The European Physical Journal C. 6 Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA 7 High Energy Physics Division,
Spectral densities from dynamic density-matrix renormalization
The European Physical Journal B. Choose a journal, Actualité Chimique, Agronomie, Agron. Sustain. Dev, Analusis, Anim. Res. Ann. Phys. Fr. Ann. For.
Istituto di Fisica del Plasma CNR Milano
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