'outdated' rape laws set for overhaul The Scotsman
THE biggest shake-up of rape laws in Scotland for 30 years has been ordered by ministers in a move that could see hundreds more offenders each year facing potential life sentences.

Le Magazine, October 2005 - Case History: Integrative Management
While a physical examination may reveal signs of an androgen deficiency, and the nocturnal penile tumescence study for assessing erection during sleep.
Sildenafil as a psychological treatment - ual Dysfunction, Vol
Physical examination was essentially normal as were his glucose, he had problems either obtaining or maintaining a full erection during intercourse.
GayHealth: ual Health Forum
One thing you might try is to masturbate the night before and immediately prior to the exam. Hope this helps RE: Erection During Physical Exams
Treatment of Peyronie's disease with oral pentoxifylline : Article
The patient denied associated pain except with sexual intercourse, which he attributed to an abnormal curvature of his penis during erection.
Prognostic factors for the vascular components of erectile
Erectile dysfunction (ED) was defined as insufficient erection during visual erotic physical examination, and laboratory variables were collected.
UpToDate Patient information: ual problems in men
CAUSES — Impotence, also referred to as a erectile dysfunction (ED), is the term used to describe men who cannot acquire or maintain an erection during 75
Erection problems
You may be unable to get an erection at all, or you may lose the erection during intercourse before you are ready. If the condition persists,
A physical exam is important in determining if a bull will be able to it should come almost between the front legs during a full erection and extension.
Quality Health | Tests for Erection Problems
Tests are usually done for at least two nights in a row. If good erections occur during sleep, the cause of the erection problems probably is not physical.
UCSD Medical Center: Surgery : What to Expect During Your
Patient: My doctor was doing my annual physical exam and when he felt my stomach you are able to get an erection and have an orgasm but the ejaculate, erection+during+physical+exam: erection+during+physical+exam