Editorials Respond To Recent Health Insurance Coverage Expansion Proposals Medical News Today
The following summarizes recent editorials on proposals to expand health insurance coverage in the U.S. Chicago Tribune: A recent proposal by an Illinois task force that would require every state resident to have health insurance is an "intriguing effort," but it would be "breathtakingly expensive," a Tribune editorial states. [click link for full article]
Appeal of disability insurance grows The Arizona Republic
Often, it's one of the last safety nets people think about - after health, home and car insurance. After life, dental and maybe even pet insurance. Now, disability insurance is attracting new interest.
Insurance an essential lifesaver Kansas City Star
I know I’ll get a flood of reader mail whenever I write about hot-button issues such as Social Security. But I wasn’t prepared for the avalanche from an October column on the need for life insurance.
Why You Can't Depend on Group Life Insurance Hope Star
(ARA) - If you have a full time job, you may also be fortunate enough to have a free term life insurance policy through your employer. For most people, it's the equivalent of a year's salary. If you're lucky, it might even be as high as three times your annual salary.
Survivors' Needs Should Be Priority With Life Insurance Hartford Courant
I know I'll receive a flood of reader mail whenever I write about hot-button issues such as Social Security. But I was not prepared for the avalanche from a recent column on the need for life insurance.
Tailor life insurance so it provides income Baltimore Sun
;(lines=ql);cl9.5;(dclead=(((4)*(clines))+190));(adjcl=dclead/10);(psize=adjcl*138);(dcptsize=psize/10);(adj=dcptsize/33);cf21,(dcptsize),(dclead);ec8,Q,capQ;ec7,1,cap2Iknow I'll receive a flood of reader mail whenever I write about hot-button issues such as Social Security. But I wasn't prepared for the avalanche from a recent column on the need for life insurance.
Mandatory insurance won't fix health care St. Petersburg Times
Imagine for a moment that you own an upscale restaurant - one that offers vintage wines, fine cuts of beef and exotic seafood. But night after night, patrons are leaving before paying their bills. Indeed, so many guests are now stiffing your restaurant that you face a financial crisis.
Students learn about insurance needs Bismarck Tribune
In a class of a dozen students at Century High School, nearly every student has a car. By a show of hands, two pay for their own car insurance. A handful have credit cards or bank accounts. Some have collected a traffic ticket or two.
Hammond insurance fix still a work in progress The Times of Northwest Indiana
HAMMOND | More than a year after the creation of a special committee assigned the task of reining in the city's self-insurance fund, no long-term fix is in sight.
Fixing America’s inadequate health care system Sidney Herald-Leader
Quick, what’s the difference between a national health care system and what we have now? The correct answer is - nothing. Just because we don’t have a health care system that covers everybody doesn’t mean we don’t have a national health care system.

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