Body count redux
One of the peculiar features of those briefings was the body count. The body count was the way enemy and friendly casualties were toted up and compared to Eventually, what the body count comparisons served to do was publicize the
Debating the Body Count in Iraq
When war is waged to improve the lives of a country's people, the body count -- the number of those killed as a result of the war itself -- cannot help but be wrapped up in politics. No one who has been trumpeting the American presence
Elusive Body Count
The number of Iraqi deaths hits a new monthly high, according to the UN, but counting civilian deaths in Iraq remains an opaque business
More Troops, we need more troops!
The body count has done nothing but rise every year, both Iraqi civilians and our own men and women. Within the last year, troop levels have been raised slowly, so as not to gain the attention of those of us keeping the home fires
Why the body count counts
On Nightly News Wednesday we reported how rare it was for the President to issue a body count -- the number of enemy killed. He said it at the Pentagon, and it struck me immediately that it may have been the first time I've heard him
Iraq Body Count finds a task worth their time
Because they are based on media reports, it is clear that Iraq Body Count’s reports of numbers of Iraqi civilians dead from violence are clearly an undercount. IBC points this out in occaisional asides.Nonetheless, the media have
Waiting On The Levee
It will only add to the body count when that day does arrive. And make no mistake, whether it happens in 2007, or 2008, or sometime in the future, another pandemic will come: just as they have in the past. And when that day comes,
I know his mother is a wingnut icon for trying to bring down Bill
So body count is now the measure of how bad a leader is? Well, let's see -- George W. Bush has a body count of almost 6000, if you want to just count the 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq casualties. No, the 9/11 casualties were not a direct
Backdating Body Count
They’re piling up. The trend of executive and director resignations has actually been going on for a while, but it hasn’t really been notable until last week. Check this file for list of top brass who have departed from their perches.
Body Counts
But this study convinces me that it is extremely likely that many tens of thousands of Iraqis have died, far more than the Iraqi Body Count estimate that I had previously relied upon. Noted Middle East scholar Juan Cole came to a

Casualties in Iraq - 2006
Iraqi Body Count. IBC. American Civilian Casualties We have not set up a database for these numbers, rather we direct you Iraq Body Count.
Clinton Body Count
THE CLINTON BODY-COUNT []; Arkancide - Clinton's Death List. All of these people have been connected with the Clintons in some form or The Clinton Body Count
The Urban Legends Web site examines allegations that Clinton quietly did away with his enemies.
Bruce Jackson: The Little Deaths
It's like Vietnam: if it's dead it's V.C. The only difference is, in Vietnam they bragged about the body count and in Iraq they hide it.
BBC NEWS | World | Middle East | Iraq Body Count: War dead figures
Iraq Body Count has been recording the number of civilians reported killed during the Iraq War and after.
Body Count
Be sure to download the whole song at MP3.COM Click here · Back to Shocked Shit. ©2001 Rob Lewis
Body Count (Band) - Wikipedia
Body Count (1992); Born Dead (1994); Violent Demise: The Last Days (1997); Murder For Hire (Live) DVD (2004); Live in L.A.' DVD (2006); Murder 4 Hire (2006)
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The Raw Story | FEMA, La. outsource Katrina body count to firm
In other words, FEMA and then Blanco outsourced the body count from Hurricane Katrina -- which many believe the worst natural disaster in U.S. history -- to
Iraq Body Count: Names of Iraqi Civilian Dead
and citizen's groups have drawn attention to Iraqi victims of the war in public readings and displays using names compiled by Iraq Body Count (IBC). body+count: body+count