n.     D M
1 Dinosauro Prehistoric birdvoting on a dinosaur    
2 Uccello Bird pivoting on a nest    
3 Fiore con vaso Flower pot with water paint    
4 Insetto con paracadute Parachutist bug  
5 Uccello per penna Bird ring: Albatross  3  
6 Uccello per penna Bird ring: Pinguin    
7 Uccello per penna Bird ring: Toucan    
8 Coppia di fiori Flowers  1  
9 Gatto e topo Cat and mouse    
10 Case House scene: Farm  1  
11 Case House scene: Train station "Roma"  1  
12 Case House scene: Church  2  
13 Case House scene: Workshoppe  1  
14 Rompicapo Puzzle cube    
15 Sbirciometro Spy scope    
16 Fantasma Ghost as a movie viewer  1  
17 Uomo spaziale Pop up space man with helmet    
18 Uomo spaziale Pop up space man with glasses    
19 Pulmino crocerossa Ambulance as a movie viewer  1  
20 Pesce squalo Dog shark    
21 Pesce martello Hammerhead shark    
22 Lumaca Snail with moving eyes  1  
23 Farfalla Butterfly    
24 Farfalla Butterfly    
25 Farfalla Butterfly  1  
26 Farfalla Butterfly    
27 Binocolo Telescope    
28 Uomo spaziale Transport theme: Helicopter    
29 Uomo spaziale Transport theme: Motorcycle    
30 Aereo Transport theme: Airplane    
31 Fiore con insetto Flower photographing an insect    
32 Fiore Flower smelling a flower    
33 Scimmia su albero Sliding monkey on a tree    
34 Robot Robot    
35 Rana Frog    
36 Granchio Multi-leg race crab    
37 Piovra Multi-leg race octopus    
38 Ragno Multi-leg race spider    
39 Motoscafo Speed boat (orange and green)    
40 Motoscafo Speed boat (white and red)  1  
41 Motoscafo Speed boat (yellow and blue)    
42 Lente ingrandimento Kaleidoscope (purple)    
43 Lente ingrandimento Kaleidoscope (green)    
44 Romano su carro Roman chariot and horses    
45 Slitta Eskimo sledge and dogs  1  
46 Farfalle Mobile: 2 Butterflies on flower    
47 Gioco cerchi Trowing boey game    
48 Papera Walking goose with green umbrella    
49 Papera Walking goose with blue umbrella    
50 Papera Walking goose with stick  1  
51 Papera Walking goose with cane    
52 Macchina epoca Red car    
53 Insetto su casa Nature theme: Cricket with a mushroon hous    
54 Insetto che fa la doccia Nature theme: Baby ladybird    
55 Insetto su fiore Nature theme: Centipede on a water lily    
56 Insetto su dondolo Nature theme: Caterpillar balancing    
57 Aereo con scoiattolo Nature theme: Squirrel    
58 Aereo con topo Nature theme: Bear in a flower helicopter    
59 Macchina con porcospino Nature theme: Hedgehog in a flower car    
60 Rana Robotic frog  1  
61 Ornitorinco Robotic armadillo    
62 Lumaca spaziale Robotic snail  1  
63 Uccello Robotic bird.  1  
64 Coccodrillo Oriental dragon    
65 Uomo su vespa Music man as a tricycle with radio    
66 Uomo su vespa Business man as a tricycle with suitcase    
67 Flintstones The Flintstones: Dino with kennel roof  1  
68 Flintstones The Flintstones: Dino with bone  1  
69 Flintstones The Flintstones: Wilma with walkman  1  
70 Flintstones The Flintstones: Betty with hoppy  1  
71 Flintstones The Flintstones: Barney with record player  1  
72 Flintstones The Flintstones: Fred with letter and mail  1  
73 Coccinella con ruote Ladybird    
74 Indiano su canoa con ruote Indian in a canoe    
75 Sommozzatore con ruote Swimmer    
76 Insetto con foglia Sliding snail    
77 Gioco trasparente Game inside a clear capsule  1  
78 Gioco trasparente Game inside a clear capsule    
79 Balena Whale spreading water    
80 Insetto con piedistallo Insect (orange shell)  2  
81 Insetto con piedistallo Insect (blue shell)    
82 Insetto con piedistallo Insect (dark red shell)  1  
83 Insetto con piedistallo Insect (green shell)    
84 Astronave Spaceship with his mothership  2  
85 Astronave Spaceship with his mothership  1  
86 Astronave Spaceship with his mothership    
87 Astronave Spaceship with his mothership  1  
88 Mostro Weird mixable animal blue  3  
89 Mostro Weird mixable animal dark pink    
90 Mostro Weird mixable animal yellow    
91 Mostro Weird mixable animal orange    
92 Pappagallo su dondolo Balancing bird: Peacock  1  
93 Pappagallo su dondolo Balancing bird: Flamingo    
94 Pappagallo su dondolo Balancing bird: Black bird  3  
95 Pappagallo su dondolo Balancing bird: Parrot  3  
96 Macchina epoca Car: Dusenburg SS (1938)  1  
97 Macchina epoca Car: BMW 328 (1936)  1  
98 Macchina epoca Car: Horch cabriolet (1937)    
99 Macchina epoca Car: Alfa Romeo 2900B (1938)    
100 Topo con ruote Motorized mouse    
101 Cane con ruote Bulldog    
102 Pelicano Pelican    
103 Uovo volante Walker with spaceman    
104 Uovo volante Flyer with spaceman    
105 Animale marino Crab with moving claws  1  
106 Vaso con talpa Mole coming out of pot    
107 Mucca 3D cardboard puzzle: Cow    
108 Cavallo che salta 3D cardboard puzzle: Horse  1  
109 Puzzle cartone Jigsaw puzzle showing K01-toys  2  
110 Puzzle cartone Jigsaw puzzle showing K01-toys    
111 Puzzle cartone Jigsaw puzzle showing K01-toys    
112 Puzzle cartone Jigsaw puzzle showing K01-toys    
113 Puzzle cartone Jigsaw puzzle showing K01-toys    
114 Puzzle cartone Jigsaw puzzle showing K01-toys  1  
115 Puzzle cartone Jigsaw puzzle showing K01-toys  1  
116 Puzzle cartone Jigsaw puzzle showing K01-toys  1  
117 Gioco in legno Wooden toy: Car    
118 Gioco in legno Wooden toy: Man on scooter    
119 Gioco in legno Wooden toy: Crocodile  1  
120 Gioco in legno Wooden toy: Driver