
                   Games Developer site

*/*Programmed by Vinc@eborg ©2002

*/*Special Thanks to vagrant site for the Tomb Raider program .

*/*Un grazie anche a Torosar per il  aver tradoto l'editor di Tomb Raider

*/*Un grazie anche a Lee Jackson per Streets.mid e Grabbag.mid in Duke3D (le musiche che avete ascoltato).

*/*Thanks Turbo Pascal !!

*/Thanks to The Vagrant for his models.

*/Thank to Adam for his Tomb Raider models.

*/Thank to Raider Croft for his other models

*/Thank to all other programmers of Tomb raider model  and program .

*/ Special Thank to E.Popov for his Tomb RaiderViewer Program and his resource.

*/ Thank to Torosar (now LuKe_SkYwAlKeR) for his Turbo pascal's level editor translated in Italian Version .

*/ Thank for all UNIX (Linux) users for the Delphi 6 resource .

UN grazie a TUTTI quelli che hanno contribuito allo sviluppo di questo sito .

A big Thank to all internet Tomb Raider Comunity Level Builders.

P.S. if you have any model for tomb raider you can e mail me and send me your model .  Your name will be in this credits screen.