Russia: la penisola di Kola e

Arcangelo (Arkhangelsk )

Carta geografica odierna. Il collegamento con Murmansk ebbe vita solo nel 1917 quando furono completati i lavori del nuovo porto. Murmansk è una città giovanissima, costruita  per motivi militari, strategici ed economici. Il suo (gigantesco) porto, lambito dalla corrente calda del Golfo, è sempre libero dai ghiacci (pack) e agibile tutto l'anno compatibilmente con la latitudine. È base dei rompighiaccio per ogni evenienza. Il più famoso di questi fu il Krassin Lungo 98 metri, largo 21,60 costruito nel 1916 in Inghilterra, 10.000 tsl, 10.500 hp, corazzato in acciaio al cromo. Il suo intervento più noto fu nella spedizione Nobile del dirigibile Italia (1928). Nel 1942 era nell’Oceano pacifico e venne via Panama riportato nel mar Artico per fare da apripista ai convogli alleati verso Murmansk. Oggi è un museo galleggiante visitabile a San Pietroburgo. Il primo rompighiaccio venne costruito ad Amburgo nel 1871.  .

carta geografica del settore di Arcangelo col fronte occidentle di Kem lungo la ferrovia Murmansk-Pietrogrado (Leningrado) e l'altro a destra lungo la ferrovia e la via d'acqua (Dvina) colorati in arancione ed occupati dalle forze internazionali dal 1918 al 1919 come massima espansione della testa di ponte antibolscevica.


American North Russia Expeditionary Force (ANREF), 1918-1919
Country: Russian Federation

the ARCHANGEL MEMORIAL (down), which consists of panels fixed into the east wall of the cemetery, commemorates 219 British officers and men who died during the north Russian campaign and whose graves are not known. The War Graves and Memorials in the Soviet Republics of Eastern Europe are a result of the campaigns of 1918-1920 in several parts of European Russia. These campaigns, which were the outcome of the Russian Revolution of November, 1917, are closely connected both with events in Asia (particularly in Persia and in Siberia) and with the general course of the War in the West. The campaign was ostensibly to protect supplies which had been shipped by the Allies to Archangel before the Russian Revolution and the fall of the Tsar from falling into the hands of German forces which were occupying Finland. The Memorial is located at the eastern end of the Archangel Allied Cemetery, which is on the north-west outskirts of the town of Archangel and adjoins Lutheran and Russian Orthodox cemeteries and memorials to those who died in more recent actions. From the railway station, travel along the main road towards the River Dvina. Halfway along this road take the turning on the right hand side called Obvodnyi Kanal Avenue. The cemetery will be found on the right hand side of this road. The cemetery was begun immediately after the occupation of the town in August 1918 by the Allies. It was used by No. 85 General Hospital, No. 53 Stationary Hospital, No. 82 Casualty Clearing Station, HM Hospital Ship 'Kalyan' and other Allied hospitals. The cemetery itself contains 224 burials and commemorations from World War I, including special memorials to 140 officers and men with known burials in cemeteries elsewhere in northern Russia. 


Toulgas sulla Dvina di fronte a Kurgoman