Fabrizio Iacopetti's

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TTYHallo everybody! If you have reached this page, you probably already know much about me. For those to whom I am instead a mystery I want to say that I live in Massa, Tuscany, Italy, and I attend the Faculty of Electronic Engineering at Pise University. In my spare time (always so much) I try to follow my interests, photography, as an example (not seldom I compel the Vegetable Kingdom in front of my lenses); I spend (sigh!) long hours in front of my monitor for various applications, often related to electronics also as a hobby; though I can't devote a lot of time to reading, I appreciate true and likely stories, but I also appreciate very different kinds of books. I find art nice in many shapes, though I am not an expert. I admire the ingenious work of Leonardo da Vinci as a scientist, and who can say not to know him at least a bit as an artist? I only want to point out here a charcoal drawing of his, "Sant'Anna, la Madonna, il Bambino e S.Giovannino", unfortunately not kept in this Country. Though I don't devote a lot of time to music, I don't mind at all contemporary Italian and foreign pop authors. Concerning "the times that were", I find great the arie "Recitar! ... Vesti la giubba" from "I pagliacci" (Leoncavallo), "E lucevan le stelle" from Tosca (Puccini) and some parts of "Cavalleria Rusticana" (Mascagni). I like very much classical music; between excerpts I'm fond of I want to number Brahms' "Hungarian Dances" n. 1,4,5,11, Smetana's "Moldava", Listz's "Hungarian Rhapsodies" n. 3,4,5, Rimskij-Korsakov's "Shéhérazade"; there are however many others I consider beautiful.

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