Fevf FEVF - Fleimstalbahn - Rail Simulation by Roberto Benini - Copyright (c) 2006


Locomotiva a vapore - Steam locomotive - Dampflokomotive - Locomotive à vapeur


per - for - für - pour BVE4






Comandi - Keys to controls - Kontrollhebelordnung - Commandes





Comandi principali


Driving operation




Apre valvola vapore


Increase power


Fahrstufe hochschalten


Chiude valvola vapore


Decrease power


Fahrstufe zurückschalten




Increase brake


Bremse lösen




Release brake


Bremse anlegen

[§ ù]

Frenata rapida

[§ ù]

Emergency brake

[§ ù]


[freccia su]

Marcia avanti


Reverser forward  

[Pfeil auf]

Richtungswender vorwärts

[freccia giù]

Marcia indietro


Reverser reverse

[Pfeil ab]

Richtungswender rückwärts


Comandi accessori






Cutoff automatico (on/off)


Automatic cutoff  (on/off) 


Automatische Schieberfüllung ein/aus

[Pag su] 

Aumenta cutoff (manuale)

[Page  Up]

Increase cutoff  (manual) 

[Bild auf]

Schieberfüllung erhöen

[Pag giù]

Diminuisce Cutoff (manuale)  

[Page Down]

Decrease cutoff (manual)

[Bild ab]

Schieberfüllung erniedrigen


Pompa acqua (on/off)


Water injector (on/off)


Wasserpumpe ein/aus


Fischio 1


Horn 1


Dampfpfeife 1


Fischio 2

[+] (plus)

Horn 2


Dampfpfeife 2


Spala carbone  [-] (minus)  




Orario/FPS/velocità sullo schermo.


Toggle Time/FPS/Speed on screen




Piano di viaggio (on/off)


Show timetable (on/off)


Fahrgastbewertung einschalten/ausschalten


Ingrandimento piano viaggio (tenere premuto)


Hold key down to enlarge the timetable


Fahrplan anzeigen


Ricarica la route


Restart route


[F6] Chiude le porte [F6] Close the doors [F6]  
[F7] Ferma l'esecuzione [F7] Stop the clock [F7]  
[F8] Accelera l'esecuzione [F8] Speed up the clock [F8]  
[F10] Pausa [F10] Pause [F10]  


Tastierino numerico - Numeric keypad

 Tastierino numerico



Modalità visione cabina

Cab-view  controll






Sposta in alto

View Top

Nach oben verschieben


Sposta a sinistra

View Left

Nach links verschieben


Sposta a destra

View Right

Nach rechts verschieben


Sposta in basso

View Down

Nach unten verschieben


Ritorna alla visione di default

Return to the default view.

Im Mittelpunkt  zurückkehrt


Zoom avanti

Zoom in



Zoom indietro

Zoom out





Driving HS_8585_expert


Wellcome to the HS_8585_expert steam  locomotive, which represents one of the  trains introduced by Prussia  at the beginning of the 1907 and designed for short distance services on secondary routes.The model has been developed exclusively for BVE4, with high resolution cab graphics,  using  the OS_Ats1.dll plug-in by Oskari Saarekas. 

Some key to controls are animated.


Preparing to start


  1. Move the reverser from NEUTRAL to FORWARDS position [up-arrow]

  2. Wait for doors to close

  3. Release brakes fully  [,] (3 positions animated hundle and pressure-gauge)

  4. Set cutoff to 75% forwards [Page UP] , or set automatic cutoff on [Home]

  5. Apply STEAM POWER HANDLE  [Z] (6 positions animated hundle and power indicator)




In addition to reverser keys [up-arrow] [down-arrow]  and regulator keys [Z] [A], the driver has to adjust the cutoff [Page UP]/[Page Down] to get the locomotive move efficiently and quickly, at the same time trying to conserve steam to keep sufficient boiler pressure. You must begin to slowly decrease the cutoff [Page Down] as the speed increases, to maintain acceleration.




If boiler water level seems to be getting too low, set injector on [END]. If there's a fair amount of water in the boiler, and boiler pressure is getting low, make sure injector is off [END]. You can't operate manual cutoff and injector if automatic cutoff is on. Injector has to be regularly used to move water from the tanks or tender to the boiler. Water in the boiler turns slowly into steam and pressure, but the injector feeding water also requires steam to operate.


The timetable


When the panel is first displayed, the timetable  is visible in the upper  left part of the screen.  It can be hidden and redisplayed by pressing the [F3] key.  To zoom in on the timetable, press and hold [F4].

Viewing cab


By default the upper part of the cab is visible and this should be appropriate for normal driving. To see other part of the panel use the keys [8↑;4←;5;6→;2↓;0;.] on the numeric keypad.




The 8585 simulation has 'Tree Position  brake handle':

  • brake handle at left = release pressure;

  • frontal brake handle= hold same pressure;

  • brake handle at right = increase pressure

Starting from central brake handle position:

  •  a quick course of [.]-[,] keys  applies a proportional increasing amount of air pressure to the brake cylinders.

  •  a quick course of [,]-[.] keys  applies a proportional decreasing amount of air pressure to the brake cylinders

 You can see your brake cylinder pressure on the black hand needle of the  brake pressure gauge. The red hand needle gauges the break circuit pressure.




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