info: INFLUENZA 2007

Il Pensiero Scientifico Editore -
Yahoo! Italia - Haber MJ, Shay DK, XM, Thompson WW et al. Effectiveness of interventions to reduce contact rates during a simulated influenza pandemic. Emerging Infectious Diseases 2007; 13(4)...
Influenza: a rischio in 160.000
Panorama - ROMA, 19 MAR - Nonostante l'inverno mite e la primavera quasi alle porte, il pericolo influenza non e infettive e tropicali (Simit), che consigliano la massima attenzione per altre 2-3 settimane. 2007 ...
La Fortitudo risale - Napoli: ora è crisi.
Basketnet - fosse tornato finalmente in forma (anche se oggi ha giocato poco perchè debilitato dall'influenza Alcuni rumors lo danno intorno alla 22ma posizione al primo giro del Draft 2007 (che si terrà a ...
Torna l'inverno con freddo e neve
Il Giorno - Quotidiano.Net del 20 Mar 2007 00:24 Influnet dell'Istituto Superiore di Sanità, nell'ultima settimana i casi di influenza, solo in ...
Casini: "Referendum, chiederò l'astensione"
Il Resto de Carlino - Quotidiano.Net del 19 Mar 2007 00:24 legge elettorale ha due grossi limiti: il primo è che toglie ai cittadini "qualunque influenza ...
PBB Bahas Detektor Flu Burung Senilai US$1.000
Antara Interactive - Di Indonesia sendiri, kasus flu burung atau avian influenza pada manusia telah ditemukan setidaknya sektor peternakan unggas setidaknya 10 miliar dolar AS sejak November 2003. (*) Copyright © 2007 ...
Pasien Flu Burung di RSU Soetomo Meninggal Dunia
Antara Interactive - dari Nur Hasan, asal Dusun Sumber Pandan, Mojotamping, Bangsal, Mojokerto.(*) Copyright © 2007 Filipina persyaratkan dokumen bebas flu burung (Avian Influenza/AI) untuk komoditi jagung dari ...
H5N1 Tewaskan Elang Langka di Jepang
Antara Interactive - mengatakan, burung betina dewasa tersebut ditemukan sakit, namun tak terluka pada 4 Januari 2007 Filipina persyaratkan dokumen bebas flu burung (Avian Influenza/AI) untuk komoditi jagung dari ...
miaeconomia - Ecco i nuovi mutui Inpdap (16/03/2007) Sono cambiate le condizioni di accesso ed erogazione dei L'effetto dell'aumento dei tassi deciso dalla Bce ad inizio mese influenza anche i tassi usurari ...
Speciali E Dossier
Il Sole 24 Ore - L'effetto di trascinamento messo a segno nel corso del 2006 sull'intero 2007 è, poi, rilevante investimenti) sono tornate a dare un certo vigore alla dinamica del Pil, bilanciando così l'influenza ...
Studies don't find feared strain of avian influenza (Great Tribune)
State federal researchers extensively tested Montana waterfowl last fall found no evidence of the highly pathogenic H5N1 strain of the avian influenza....
Roche Unit Told by Japan to Warn Against Tamiflu Use by (
March 21 (Bloomberg) -- Roche Holding AG's unit has been told by the government to recommend agers not be given its Tamiflu influenza drug....
'Sick of It' (The Auburn Citizen)
AUBURN - On a recent tour of Fort Hill cemetery, local Red Cross executive director Susan Marteney saw the year LJ" on a large number of gravestones. 1918 marked the height of the influenza outbreak, an epidemic that killed more than 500,000 people in the United States alone....
Vaccine inequity theatens (Macon Daily)
JAKARTA ( Reuters ) - The inability of poor countries to get vaccines in the event of an influenza pandemic could threaten world peace, Indonesia's health minister said on Wednesday....
Emergency preparedness: Faith-based volunteers will be needed too (Crookston Daily Times)
In emergency preparedness circles, the question is not if an influenza pandemic will hit, but when, as such a catastrophic event is inevitable. Conceivably, mass chaos could ensue, unless a concrete plan is in place such as that developed in Polk County....
Baby in Hong Kong infected H9N2 avian flu (CIDRAP)
Mar 20, 2007 (CIDRAP News) - Hong Kong officials have reported that a 9-month-old is infected the strain of avian influenza known as A/H9N2, which has caused mild human illness in the city three times before is considered capable of evolving into a pandemic strain....
Generex Scientist to Present on the Status of Influenza Vaccine Development at National Conference (RedNova)
Generex Biotechnology Corporation (NASDAQ: GNBT) announced today that Dr....
State ignores federal flu help (St. Petersburg Times)
If state federal officials are right, the next influenza pandemic could kill 128,000 people in Florida send 640,000 to hospitals. Despite that, Florida is the only state in the country considering taking a pass on federal help to get ready....
Japan Drug Firm: Tamiflu Not For (CBS News)
Japanese doctors were warned on Wednesday against prescribing Tamiflu to agers after several young patients taking the bird flu-fighting drug reportedly exhibited dangerous behavior....
Generex Scientist to Present on the Status of Influenza Vaccine Development at National Conference (Market Wire via Yahoo! Finance)
Generex Biotechnology Corporation announced today that Dr. Douglas Powell, Ph.D., Director of Immunobiology at Antigen Express, Inc., the Company's wholly owned immunotherapeutics subsidiary, will make a presentation at the World Vaccine Congress 2007 to be held in Washington, D.C., March 19th 20th. The Company recently began treating volunteers in a clinical trial of the first synthetic ...

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