Mama and Dad - Gerardina and Raffaello Is a beautiful true Square????
My Family is fully grown from Raffaello Dad, Gerardina Mama, I ( Federica ) and my brother Salvatore.

Raffaello Dad (Lello For Friends ) comes from Naples. He work to San Benedetto del Tronto in the Guardia di Finanza ( Financial Italian Police), Mama in the 1986 has met, he is very nice, any serious times, the good thing is thet he knows how to cook very well, the bad thing is that he at times become angry for the troubles that we combine me and my brother.

Gerardina Mama comes from Sperlonga, he always joke with us and with Dad, service doesn't ever stay a minute, he is always around for house to put in order and to scold us for do us put again place our toys, and he always tells that our room is  a head of battle. Here he always follows when we do the assingnments, he for Dad has an only defect, it is a supporter of the Juventus Soccer Club, while we all  we love Naples Soccer.